Itehad-Khulafe Anbiya

Itehad, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

KHULAFE ANBIYA (inheritors of anbiya)

1.Soft hearted towards the creation(well wishers for all)

2.Present peaceful/simple deen

3.Patience/sabr –to please allah alone (no anger and no complaint)

4. Saqawat e nafs /kindness in personality (living for others with out any expectations in return ,only for allah’s sake)

5.Salamat e sudur/qalb e saleem (no diseases of heart like ghibat,greed etc etc)

6.Husn e ahklaq /good character (forgiveness /open heartedness and benevolence /ihsan=deen)

7.Steadfast ness/istiqamat  (no seekers of  duniya or ahkirat –seekers of allah’s raza/pleasure)

8.Quiet with jahil/ignorant people (or response with kindness)

9. unconscious of amal/deeds(conscious about own faults and unconscious about others faults)


Back to rasollallah ﷺ (beliefs and practices-quran/sunnah)

Back to quran (you will remain protected till the end)

No compromise on aqidah and ahklaq(never take a new name/maslaq,your ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunni)

Maslaq e haq/truth= ahle sunnat wal jamaat(no other name/maslaq)

Maslaq and their differences must be sorted out.

Don’t decide people’s heart leave it to Allah  ,check their actions.

Think about next generations to come .

Aleem must be well versed with both deen and duniya.

Differences between firqas/denominations must be cleared via daleel/ahklaq (proofs/good manners).

Ulema council must be formed.

Fight against fitna e firqaparasti and unite the muslim ummah.

Stopping firqaparasti is by exposing their false idealogies /aqidah

Forming a Jamaat to fight against fitna e tafaruq/disunion

Don’t be extreme and don’t be negligent =be moderate

Work as a servant of rasoolallah ﷺ


Islamic world is politically weak .

When you don’t know latest banking ,how can you earn halaal?

Science and technology /education must be given priority.


1.Teaching/preaching kull deen (islam/iman/ihsan-starting Islamic centres/mosque/halqa e zikr/programmes/books/usage of technology)

2.Ordaining the righteousness and forbidding evil (joining ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis organizations)

3.Striving against the ills of the society (establishing centers /helplines)

4.Supporting ahle haq/people of truth(ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis with wealth/time/lives)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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