Islam Iman Ihsan-Tasawuf

Islam Iman Ihsan, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Tasawuf(tazkia/purification) =islah e amaal (deeds) +islah e ahwal (condition) +islah e ahklaq(manners)

Tasawuf =Islam is shariat +iman is tariqat +ihsan is haqiqat  (complete /perfect/kamil deen)

Tasawuf= Perfection of islam iman and ihsan

kull deen =beginning islam+iman/faith+ihsan /prefection (kamal)

Kull deen =  1.ibadate elahi 2.ghulamane mustafa 3.mohabbate ahle baith 4.azmate sahaba 5. Shobate awliya .

Kull deen =Islam(muslim)-iman(momin)-ihsan(mohsin)

Kull deen =aqidah(tenants of the faith) +amal(deeds for the pleasure of allah alone)+ haal e dil (state of innerself)

Iman is connected with heart 

Iman =kaifiyat e dil/heart or hal e dil

Islam =verifying with heart and declaring with tongue

Islam =is zahir ie itaat/obediance physically.

Islam=obedience /submission (zahir/physical)

Iman=faith is baatin(in the heart)

Islam =zahir amal (shariat/law)

Iman =batin amal(tariqat/path)

Both islam and iman should be balanced for perfection/ihsan

Body follows heart therefore clean heart= clean zahir amal

Heart =(place)muqame iman

body =(palce) muqame islam

Body is beautified with islam

Heart is beautified with iman

In islam body faces kaabe but in iman heart faces rabe kaaba

Islam=itaat/obedience of body

Iman= itaat/obedience of heart

Islam =way of living (pillar/arkane islam)

Iman =faithfully fulfiling (aqidah/tenets of faith)

Ihsan =perfection/kamil(hal/kaifiyat/stations )

Islam =amal



Amal/deeds  are governed with justice/adl

Adl/justice is islam  and fazal is ihsan

Fazal= is not governed with law its wish of allah

Islam =arkane islam /pillars of islam (amal/deeds) for example undestanding  kalima=tauhid+risalat

Iman =iman e mujamil +iman e mufassil (tenets of faith)

Ihsan =perfection/hal or kafiyat (stations)

Knowledge of books =acquired

Knowledge of heart=experienced

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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