Islam Iman Ihsan-Ihsan Sohbat

Islam Iman Ihsan, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


(Sohbat)Be with people of ihsan for becoming kamil/perfect human

1.People of hikmat/ihsan  makes heart lively

2.Hikmat gives light to heart

3.Sohbat/companionship makes you angelic.

Islah e nafs+ purification of heart +good manners +generosity  =takes you to ihsan

Make your body like ruh (which is clean,generous ,noor) by following iteba e rasool(sunnah of rasoolallah) + following shariat (law)

Whatever happens don’t keep any feelings in your heat about what people say good or bad (ie no nafs ).

feel like your with allah 24/7 ie fulfilling both zaahir and baatin commandments of allah is sohbate allah.

Followings commands of allah +sunnah of rasoolallah+obediance and kidmat of aulia allah (even if they are far/away or alive/dead)+good manners with family+keep smiling with others.

People of ihsan  are rewarded with

1.Allah gives First noor

2. then marifat

3. then allah faces him/her

4.Most important is the raza/pleasure of allah.


1.physical/zaahir  seclusion/qalwat–no association/no sohbat ,no gupshup  (speak about goodness)

2.spiritual /baatin seclusion/qalwat—body is with the people but heart is attach to allah .heart is busy with zikrullah

Association/jalwat –is good, if doing good for humanity or deen

For common people- seclusion is better

For spiritual people –association/jalwat with pious people is better.

Dead heart =lovers of the world (they speak more about world)

Association /majlis is good if it decreases the worldly love .

38/82-shaitan will not harm people who are free from nafs .

103/3- sins + going away from allah =humans are at loss

Associate with pious or  seclude yourself.

Death/maut= seclusion /qalwat

After death –1. Meeting with allah 2.meeting  with rasoolallah.

Male /mard = is one  who is busy 24/7 with zikrullah(remembers allah )

Sunnah means =tabliqh+manners+ knowledge etc etc

Beleiving whatever is said by allah and his rasool is haq/truth.

Shuq/interest – in salah/zikr (abundance)

Knowledge is beneficial if it gives 1.zuhd  2.iteba e sunnat /path 3.tawakkal /reliance  4 yaqeen/certanity (wisdom/hikmat)

Mohsin (awliya /saleheen)

Shafat is unlimited and till rasoolallah is satisfied

Prophets shafat is for – who ask for it and also for sinfull people .

Adl/justice  and fazal /favour are opposite to each other

Its allah’s fazal that gives jannat not amaal

No one can compete with adl/justice of allah

Ask for fazal fo allah not adl of allah

Every deed will be with saza/punishment or jaza/reward

Sins are erased by difficulties in this world like loss of wealth /health  etc etc

Fazal of allah= 1.sins will be wiped off by difficulties  2. Raises standard/darajat in heaven.

Sabr =will be converted to good deeds +wipes sins+ standard /darjat in heaven.

Ruh=angelic /celestial(malakuti) and nafs =nasooti (lowest of creation).

Ruh=huzoori/presenting yourself infront of Allah.

Duniya =place of test (desires) and ahkirat =place of relaxation.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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