
Ishq, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

True love/ishq

Sins =from senses to heart.

Hijrat  from hating sins to loving good deeds via sohbat

Rewarded or spend to please allah alone=hisaab (shukr )

Not rewarded =no hisaab (sabr)

Allah always wants to give you good ahkirat/everlasting reward –be razi/pleasure

Greater striver is the one who strives against his own self (tabrani)

Hazrat ali(as) said first thing that will be lost from your deen is striving against your ownselves (imam ibn battal –sharah sahih al bukhari)

Supreme jihad –striving against lust and appetites of the self (baihaqi)

Champion wrestler is the one who can exercise self control when in rage(bukhari/muslim)

Strive against self and its lusts in the pursuit of allah’s pleasure (imam suyuti)

Best jihad- against the desires of slef for allah’s sake(tabarani)

Opposing nafs = which acts against sharia.

Unless allah loves you ,you cannot love him(its his wish)

As if your seeing him(muraqaba) or atleast he is seeing you(mushahida)=ihsan

Actions with love must be done to seek his pleasure (no duniya/no sawaab/no ahkirat /no actions in sight).

Its allah’s wish to accept or decline your ibadat/wishes.


Divert good towards allah and bad towards yourself (shaitan just puts waswasa/temptation)

I/ANA =greatest veil (cannot be killed with ibadat/amal)

Ashiq/lover =kills his ANA/I with love (amal e saleh and ibadat helps it)

Love is the treatment for all problems.

Oppose the nafs (riyazat/practice) and overload the nafs (mujahida/struggle/jihad an nafs)

Materialistic love of duniya will not stay for long ,it expires

Allah’s love is eternal /everlasting love (haqiqi/reality love)

very good people (rare) because of allah’s protection(mahfooz)

very bad people (rare) because allah has left them (unhappy)

most of the people are mixture of good and bad (opportunistic)

Loving duniya=allah will remove his love/qurb from him and replace it withfear/negligence.

Rejecting duniya=allah will install love/respect of his creation in him.

Love /ishq doesn’t like shirk/partnership.

Deeds /amal= done for allah’s sake to gain his pleasure/nearness

Praying for the Jannah =required for the sight of allah.

 Ashiq/lover=doesn’t see the beauty of jannah ,he wants to see the beauty of creator of jannah.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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