
Insaniyat, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Zaate mustapha ﷺ (genelogy)—Risalat is the appointed position of rasoolallah ﷺ

1. purest of purest lineage= people of tauhid (his noor passed from purest of purest wombs)

2.his noor/ruh was in front of allah and what he prayed was followed by angels

3.his noor travelled from adam(as) to  finally from hz Abdullah (ra) to hz aminah(ra)

4.servant of allah and last of the prophets

5.was present even before adam(as) was created

6.dua of Ibrahim(as)- Maqam e ibrahim reminds us of mauloodun nabi because ibrahim(as) and ismeal (as) prayed for coming of last prophet in their genelogy .

7.basharat/prophecy of isa(as)

8.mistake /mishap of adam(as) was forgiven through wasila of rasooallah ﷺ

9. he is noor ullah/habeebullah/wajhullah

10.he is the reason for existence of creation

11.abu muhammed is the kuniyat of adam (as)

12.first to be raised from the grave /qabr e anwar (to present shaane /glorious Mustapha ﷺ on the day of judgement)

13.bearer of liwaulal hamd ,shafaat e kubra and saqawat

14.allah will reward him till he is satisfied

15.his kursi is next to allah’s kursi on arsh(but he will stand because of adab)

16. maqam e mahmooda-entire creation of allah will praise him.

17.Day of judgement is to please rasoolallah ﷺ.

18.example of allah’s noor =noor e mustahapha ﷺ

19.reflection/mazhar of allah’s uluviyat (allah gives and nabi ﷺ distributes)

20 only difference is abdiat/slave(creator –creation) and rest is common(order/authority/obediance /love  etc etc)

According to ibn abbas(ra)

1.Sirate mustaqeem = it is zaat e mustapha

2.Zikrullah =zikr e musthapha

Hearts find sukoon/peace with zikrullah (zikr e musthapha)

3.Allah’s rope= muhammade mustapha

Light/Noorullah= muhammade mustapha

Obedience/Itaatullah= muhammade mustapha

Love/Mohabbatullah= muhammade mustapha

Knowing/Marifatullah= muhammade mustapha

Face/Wajhullah= muhammade mustapha

Only difference -allah the creator and muhammade mustapha is his slave/creation (abdiat)

Human goes through 5 phases

1.hidden /ahadiyat –– nourished with love and marifat

2.arwah/souls—-huzoori/qurbiat (nearness) with allah

3.shadath /duniya—birth for examination(iman/faith+ amaal/deeds)

4.barzakh/interval—till qiyamah and place of result

5.ahkirat /eternal—relaxation place in jannah for muslims

Real place of insan is jannah for relaxation and for gazeing allah .

Ujoodh e ilmi (alam e sir/secret)

Ujoodh e ruhi(alam e souls/arwah)

Ujoodh e bashari(alaam e bashariat-is to pray and gain marifat of allah and his rasool)

Ujoodh e barzazk(alaam e death to day of judgement-ahkirat)

Ujoodh e wuqravi(day of judgement to eternal/endless life )

Ilm gives guidance

Adab gives wilayat/qurbiat

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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