
Insaniyat, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Death /maut of a wali –angel of death will convey salaam ,angels will convey salaam from allah to the wali, soul is carried in form of procession /juloos, ruh and angels both will do sajdah to allah ,name will be written in illien ,ruh is sent back to join the body on ground .

Body is buried by people and ruh is buried by angels .

Urs/wedding =day of passing away of pious people/awliya

Uroos=spiritual marriage /spiritual union=union with lord

No uroos for dead person but uroos is for living person(lively heart) so wali is alive.

Awliya sleep like a newly wedded bride but are aware of surroundings .Those who have established contact with allah don’t sleep. They just lie down with closed eyes.hearts are active .Sleep means closure of eye not heart .

We gain blessings/faiz from souls of awliya allah.Sohabate aulia is through silsila /chain of tasawuff/tariqat. Allah gives and nabi distributes. blessings /Faizan e mustapha is through sohabate aulia(association with awliya allah)

Example –we cannot comprehend the life of a shaheed/martyr

Life and death of this duniya is not the parameter to access insan.

Whether you understand or not ,believing is iman .

Human goes through 5 phases

1.hidden /ahadiyat –– nourished with love and marifat

2.arwah/souls—-huzoori/qurbiat (nearness) with allah

3.shadath /duniya—birth for examination(iman/faith+ amaal/deeds)

4.barzakh/interval—till qiyamah and place of result

5.ahkirat /eternal—relaxation place in jannah for muslims

Real place of insan is jannah for relaxation and for gazeing allah .

7/51Those that made their din (religion) a funfair and sport and whom the worldly life had deceived.’ We shall forget them Today as they forgot their meeting of this Day (with Us) and as they used to deny Our Revelations.

21/1The time of reckoning for people has drawn near but, rapt in heedlessness, they are disinclined (to obedience).

Ujoodh e ilmi (alam e sir/secret)

Ujoodh e ruhi(alam e souls/arwah)

Ujoodh e bashari(alaam e bashariat-is to pray and gain marifat of allah and his rasool ﷺ)

Ujoodh e barzazk(alaam e death to day of judgement-ahkirat)

Ujoodh e wuqravi(day of judgement to eternal/endless life )

7/48-51And the people of the A‘raf (the Heights) will call out to those people (of Hell) whom they will be recognizing by their identification marks saying (to them): ‘Your parties could not be of any use to you, nor (could rescue you) your arrogance you used to practise. Is it they about whom you used to swear (on seeing their miserable plight): Allah will (never) bless them with His mercy? (But listen! It is they who are now being called:) Enter Paradise; you will neither fear nor grieve.’ And the inmates of Hell will call out to the inhabitants of Paradise: ‘Bless us with some water (of Paradise), or of (the provision) that Allah has granted you.’ They will say: ‘Allah has indeed forbidden both (these bounties) to the disbelievers,

Humans are away from reality most of them will fail on the day of judgement .save yourself and your family .no one will go to jannah based on deeds/amal its fazal/mercy of allah which takes us to jannah .ask for shafat of rasoolallah. be with sohbate aulia allah. respect ahkam e shariat even if you cannot understand or you cannot follow it. Eternal  life =either in hell(kuffar) or heaven(muslims) .

Insan is composed of 3 things





1.Ibadate e ilahi(swt) (51/56 ,6/163)

2.Ghulamane mustafa(saws)  (33/21, 3/31-32)

3.Mohabbate ahle bait(ra) (33/33,42/23)

4.Azmat e sahaba(ra) (9/100,48/18)

5.Sohbate auliya(ra) (9/119,10/62-64,4/69)


Just reciting –barakah (Every ayah is reflection/mazaar of sign of Allah)

Just understanding –ilm for guidance.

When nafs is involved –gumrah/misguidance

Reflection in the heart-baseerat/mushahida (veils of nafs and heart come in between Allah and his signs)

Reflection in the heart changes kaifiyat/haal and gives marifat (heart acts as a mirror)-awliya Allah

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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