Insaniyat-Arwah Souls 2

Insaniyat, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

ALAM E ARWAH(the world of substances)

The world of mumkinat/creatures .Things being in these are not only appearances. They themselves exist, too.

When it becomes soul in inner peace (nafs-i mutma’inna) [ascends to the world of the] spirits and joins them(alam e arwah).

The realm of God =unqualifiable and non-spatial.

The world of the the spirits =at times qualifiable and unqualifiable, spatial and non-spatial(an intermediary realm between this world and the realm of God)

This world/duniya = qualifiable and spatial.

When heart  is polished and the darkness on it is removed . it acts as a mirror reflecting all those things that are found in the human body .

“We created man’s soul in a beautiful shape, and then later demoted it to the lowest grade,” (surah Wat-teen).

The soul threw itself down into the world of the nafs and became a follower, a slave of the nafs.

Everything that gives pleasure to the body, gives pain to the soul. Everything that hurts the body, tastes sweet to the soul

Allahu ta’ala made the soul fall in love with the body so that they might stay together. This love caused them to remain at the same place together.

If the body is present (hadir) then the spirit is also present and if the body is heedless (ghafil) then the spirit is also heedless.

Ruh is very latif/subtle.Allah creator of angels and souls .

Reality of the heart is in inner peace (mutma’innatun)

physical heart demands desires but real heart (qalbahu ‘l-haqiqiya) has to be in inner peace (mutma’in).

“Inspiration (ilham) is the attribute (sifat) of a soul in inner peace (nafsi ‘l-mutma’inna) that has ascended (`arajat) to the station of the heart (maqami ‘l-qalb). 

The heart of the faithful is between two of the fingers of the All-merciful.


…. The Prophet said, ‘Allah captured your souls when He wished, and released them when He wished…… (Bukhari, Book 1, Volume 10, Hadith 569)

“It is Allah Who takes away the souls at the time of their death, and those that die not during their sleep. He keeps those (souls) for which He has ordained death and sends the rest for a term appointed. Verily, in this are signs for a people who think deeply.” (Az-Zumar, 42)

“No Prophet dies and remains in his grave except forty mornings, until his soul is given back to him” (al-Tabarani,Abu Nu`aym ,Ibn Hajar in Talkhis al-Habir)

“Meaning, they then become like the rest of the living, and are wherever Allah makes them reside(Al-Bayhaqi in his monograph on the life of Prophets in the grave)

‘They are not left in their graves except for forty nights, but [then] they pray in front of Allah Most High until the trumpet is blown.’” (Al-Bayhaqi in his monograph on the life of Prophets in the grave)

Al-Munawi said in Fayd al-Qadir: “This is because they are like martyrs; rather, their lives are higher than that of martyrs, and the latter are {alive, with their Lord, and provided ….. (Q 3:169)) The purpose of specifying their being ‘with Allah’ is to allude to the fact that their life is not visible to us. It is more like the life of the angels. It is likewise with Prophets.

”So if this is true of Anbiya it is true of their inheritors since the Holy Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) said: “The `Ulama [i.e. Knowers of Allah] are the inheritors of Prophets” (Sunan and Musnad); and if it is true of their inheritors then it is true of their followers since the Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) said: “A person is with the one they love” (al-Bukhari and Muslim) and this means in life and in death and resurrection as well, by consensus of the commentaries.

Yes, there remains a connection of the souls to their respective graves but they are not confined “The souls of the believers are in an earthlybarzakh (isthmus-life) and they roam wherever they please” (Ibn Abi al-Dunya,al-Mawt; Ibn al-Mubarak, al-Zuhd; Ibn Sa`d, Tabaqat; see Ibn al-Qayyim, Kitab al-Ruh, Question 15).

Ibn `Abd al-Barr said: ….and the meaning to me is that they might be found at the thresholds of their graves; not that they never move from or part with the thresholds of their graves, but just as Malik said” (Istidhkar8:354-355 ,11849-11850, Kitab al-Jana’iz, bab jami`al-jana’iz) (al-Shawkani in Bahth fi mustaqarr arwah al-amwat (paper concerning the resting-place of the souls of the dead)).

….“the soul [of the believer] remains connected with the bodily remains and the grave, while its heavenly body (jirm) is in heaven (al-sama‘) after parting with the body, like a sunbeam falling on the ground although originally connected to the sun.” (Hayat al-Barzakh (Hadiths concerning the life of the Barzakh) by Muhammad b. Haydar b. Hasan )

Ilm e nafae gives marifat e elahi

Adab gives sohabat e elahi

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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