Dua-Sleep Dreams

Dua, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Upon going to bed -Allaahumma bismeka amootu wa ahyaa. -O Allah! Upon Your name only will I die and live! (Bukhari)  always sleep with wadhu.

Dreams from Allah=Pleasant ,meaningful,recurring,remembrance,pious,symbolic, specific, anytime, If you see a good dream then relate it to someone who loves you.

Dreams from shaitan=fear,hopelessness,indecency,nightmares,meaningless,singletime,

forgetfulness, wetdreams ,random,contradictory, If an unpleasant dream is observed, one should sputter three times or blow three times on the left side. Do not reveal bad dreams to anyone. Change sides when seeing bad dreams. (if sleeping on the right side, turn to the left or vice-versa). If one sees a bad dream or nightmare read thrice: AUZU BILLAHI MINASH SHAYTAANIR RAJEEM WA MIN SHARRI HAAZIHIR RUYAA. By doing this, the dream will have no ill effects .

Dreams from Nafs=meaningless,singletime,fantasy,mixed details,forgetting, To pretend to have had a dream which he did not is a sin:Islam rejects all forms of lying. Dreams get interpreted as you say ,so always be positive when interpreting dreams.

None of you should lie on his back and place one of feet upon the other. Perhaps this prohibition was to avoid the exposure of private parts in this state of lying down.

Allah doesnot like lying on the belly.

Not to sleep on a terrace, which has no walls or boundaries.

He who sleeps after the Asr prayer, should curse himself for any damage of his sanity.

Qailoolah (siesta or nap at noon) is lawful particularly for those who remain awake at night for performing additional prayers or Dhikr or reading the religious books. 

Before going to sleep, dust the bed.

Sleep in a state of Wudhu lying on the right side.

It was the practice of Rasulullah (saw) to rest in the afternoon.

Recite BISMILLAH while closing (locking) the doors.

Cover all foodstuff and drink. If nothing is found to cover these. then place a stick on the top.

At the time of sleeping always put out all fires, as it is your enemy.


An afternoon nap (specially for people who pray at night).

make wudu before sleeping.

apply 3times surma before sleeping.

say the dua before sleeping:Allahuma bismika amathu wa ahya.

dust the bed 3 times before sleeping.

To recite Aayat-Al-kursi, Tasbeeh-e-Fatima (33 X Subhan`Allah, 33X Alhamdulillah and 33 X Allahu`Akber). 4 qul shariffs , kalima (1-5) ,iman e mujamil and muffassil.

To recite —-3 times surah iklas, 3 times darood sheriff, 4 times  surah fathiha, 4 times 3rd kalma and 10 times Istighfaar .blow into the hands and then to rub the hands over the body

One should sleep immediately after ISHA salaah.

To sleep on the right hand side keeping right palm under the right cheek.To keep the knees slightly bent when sleeping.avoid sleeping on one`s stomach.

Sleeping both on bed and floor are sunnah.To face Qiblah.

Make niyyat To wake up for Tahajjud salaah.

The Prophet peace be upon him hated to sleep before the Night (‘Ishaa´) Prayer and to speak after it.

when you sleep, extinguish the fire. One should recite ‘Bismillah’ whilst closing the doors and latching the lock. Containers with foodstuff including water should be covered with the recitation of ‘Bismillah’. put off the fire, switch off or put out anything that may catch alight if left on.

 A child of ten must not sleep in the same bed as the husband and wife.

The feet should not be facing towards Makkah or Madinah.

To use a pillow is Sunnah (to rest one’s head on).

 To keep a prayer mat for the Tahajjud prayer besides the head is a Sunnah.

Do not sleep after ‘Asr and it is disliked (Makrooh) to sleep in the beginning part of the morning and between Maghrib and Isha.

children should not be allowed to go outdoors in the evening as the Shaytaan are most active in at that time. However, they may be allowed to go out after some portion of the night passes.

sleep with wazu ,angels will make dua for you. 


On AWAKENING rub face and eyes with the palms of hands in order to remove the effects of sleep.When the eyes open in the morning, say Al’hamdulillah 3 times and after reciting Kalimah Tayyibah – Laa ilaaha illallaahu Muhammad-ur-Rasoolullaah – read this du’aa:Al’hamdu lillaahil lazi a’hyaanaa ba’damaa amaatanaa wa ilayhin nushoor On AWAKENING cleanse the mouth with a meswak.

When awakening from sleep, say- La Ilaha ill Allah – There is no God but Allah 

Upon getting up from sleep: -Alhamdu lillaahillazee ahyaanaa bada maa amaatanaa wa ilayhin-nushoor -“All praise is for Allah who gave us life after death (sleep), and it is to Him we have to return.”

WHEN YOU WAKE UP—Durood Shareef either 1, 3 or 11 times —Al hamdu lil laahil lazi ahyaana ba’da maa amaatana wa ilayhin nushoor—.Radiya tu billaahi Rabbaw wa bil Islaami Deenaw wa bi Syedina wa Moulana Mohammadin salal laahu alaihi wa sallama Nabi yaw wa Rasoolan. (3 TIMES)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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