Dua-Bathroom Cleanliness

Dua, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Before entering the toilet: -Allahumma innee aoozu bika minal khubusi wal khabaa-es. -“O Allah! I seek refuge with You from all wicked male and female jinns.”


Cover your head and recite this Dua Allahuma ini au’dhubika minal kabuthi wal khabaith

when entering the toilet, we should enter with the left foot and leave with the right foot.

Once outside the toilet read this dua :’Ghuf-raa-naka Al-ham-du-Lil-la-hil-ladhi Adh-haba ‘An-nil Adhaa Wa-‘Aa-faani”

When relieved say:‘Ghufraanak’

One should not face the Qiblah (direction of Mecca) nor give it his back while relieving himself.

go to the toilet with shoes and head covered.

When uncovering the body, the more one can lower his body the better.

Ring or any other item with visible inscription of a verse from the Qur’aan or the blessed name of Rasoolullaah (saws) should be taken off and left outside the toilet. An Amulet (Ta’weez) can be worn as long as it is covered. After coming out of the toilet, it can be worn again.

Whilst relieving, do not talk without dire necessity.

Similarly, do not engage in the remembrance of Allah verbally.

Whilst urinating or during istinjaa, do not touch the private parts with the right hand. Use the left hand.

Safeguard yourself from the drops / splash / sprinkling of urine

relieve in a place where he is out of people’s sight. Locate soft ground for urinating so that the urine does not splash and the ground absorbs it.

Urinate sitting down. Do not urinate standing. Put slight pressure on the left leg it makes it relieving easier.

if a person outside the toilet is calling you and does not know then cough thrice to make them aware.

Use the left hand middle three fingers for cleanings.

Wash in odd numbers i.e. 1, 3, 5 or 7 times.

After performing urination, if you feel that another drop of urine will come, then it is wajib for you to perform ‘Istibrao’ meaning after urination to perform some act that would force the urine left inside, to come out .

First wash the front then the back.

After you have relieved yourself, wash your hands up to the wrists thrice.

Do not look at your private parts .Do not sit on the toilet for a long time . Do not spit or clean your nose in the toilet. Do not urinate in stagnant water (water that does not flow)/ In a bathroom/in any hole/ in a standing position/ talk (with another person) whilst urinating/ at riverbanks, roads and shady places where people walk or rest.

When leaving the toilet one should step out with the right foot.

If one sneezes, he should praise Allah within himself and simply move his lips (without making sound).

Upon coming out of the toilet: Gufranaka – AlHamdu lillaahillazee azhaba annil azaa wa aafaanee. “All praise is due to Allah alone, who has removed the distress from me and given me comfort.”


Cleanliness is half of faith.

Allah will forgive the sins of the past week for he who on Friday take a bath, cleanses himself, puts on his (regular) perfume. Then he goes out (to Friday prayer) and does not try to separate two friends. Then he prays wherever he can and listens to the Imam.

Donot eat onion ,garlic and leek when coming to mosque by this angels are harmed .

Ten matters are from upright natural disposition: Trimming the moustache, lengthening the beard, using the siwak, rinsing the nose, cutting the nails, washing the joints, plucking the hair under the armpits, shaving pubic hair and cleaning one’s private parts with water (istinja), may be rinsing of mouth .

The key to paradise is Prayer (Salaat), and the key to Prayer is cleanliness. Cleanliness means place of Prayer /the person’s clothes/ person should be clean – i.e. he should not be in need of a bath (Ghusl) and should be with ablution (Wuzu).

The angels of mercy do not enter a house in which there is an image, a dog or a person in a state of greater impurity (Janabah)..


All natural acts of cleanliness have been termed actions of “Fitrah”, in other words, actions which is the natural acts of a human.

It is Sunnah to trim the moustache and Makrooh to let it grow over the lips.

It is Sunnah to keep a beard which must be one fist size in length. It is also Makrooh Tahreemi to shave off one’s beard.

It is Sunnah to use a Miswaak to clean one’s mouth. There are many physical and spiritual benefits to be achieved by this.

Cleaning the nose: One should pour water into the nostrils with the right hand and clean the inside of the nostril with the little finger and thumb of the left hand. when you get up after sleep blow your nose three times because shaitan tries to rest inside nostrils.

The trimming of the nails: It is Sunnah to clean and trim the nails. The nails should be trimmed every Friday. One should not bite one’s nails. After trimming the nails, they should be buried and not thrown in a dirt bin because they are part of a Muslim’s body and should be respected. The approved manner of trimming the nails is to start with the Shahaadah finger of the right hand then the remaining fingers excluding the right thumb. Thereafter, one should start with the small finger of the left hand till the Shahaadah finger and lastly trim the nail of the left thumb and then the right thumb.

One should remove hair(armpits/below the navel) once a week. This also should not be delayed for more than 40 days.

The hair of the head: Males are allowed to shave and trim their hair.

On looking into the mirror: -AIlaahumma hassanta khalqee fa hassin khuluqee. “O Allah! You have made me good-looking; make my characater good too.”

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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