Using Ya-Proofs

Shariath, Using Ya

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


To Proclaim “Ya Rasool ALLAH”

“As Salaatu Was Salaamu Alaika Ya Rasoolullah” (Peace and Blessings upon you, O Messenger of Allah)

Or  to recite “As Alukash Shafaa’atu Ya Rasoolullah” (I seek from you Shafaa’at ‘Intercession’, O Messenger of Allah) is totally permissible.

Imam Abu Hanifa (ra) and Imam Shafee (ra) adopted the At- Tahiyaat narrated by Hadrat Ibn Mas’ood (ra) and Hadrat Ibn Abbas (ra) respectively, but “As-Salaamu Alaika” is present in both their narrations.

Bukhari, Vol. 1, Kltaabul-Istizaan, Baabul-Akhz bil-Yadain. Imam Aini (ra) writes under this Hadith, “The apparent meaning of this is that the Sahaaba used the ‘kaat’ for addressing the Prophet ﷺ in “As-­Salaamu Alaika (Peace be upon you…..)” during his time. When he passed away, they stopped this and began to use the word for absence, saying, “As-­Salaamu alan-Nab” (peace be upon the Prophet ﷺ …” – Aini Sharah Bukhari.

These extracts from Bukhari and Aini are contrary to you as well because no Mujtahid imam, even until today, has ordered that the At- Tahiyaat be changed.

Some Companions changed the At- Tahiyaat through their ijtihaad. However, in the presence of a morfoo Hadith, the ijtihaad of a Sahaabi is not accepted.

These Sahaaba didn’t change it because calling out to the unseen is Haraam. Otherwise, the Sahaaba who lived far away during the time of the Holy Prophet ﷺ” would not have recited it even during the Prophet’s life. Namaaz was being performed everywhere, e.g. Yemen, Khaibar, Makkah, Iraq, Najd, etc. and this very At- Tahiyaat was also read everywhere.

Calling out to the unseen was continuously being made because the Holy Prophet ﷺ  was present in Hijaz whilst the At-Tahiyaat with addressing was being read everywhere. Neither did the Prophet prohibit this nor did the Sahaaba object to it.

When teaching the At-Tahiyaat, Rasoolullah didn’t say that this At-Tahiyaat is to be read only during my lifetime and another must be read after my demise. We know from this that the Sahaaba never did change the At-Tahiyaat.

Hearing distant voices and callings is absolutely not the quality of Allah (swt), because only be who is far from the caller hears callings from afar. Allah (swt) is closer to us than our own jugular veins. He Himself states, “We are more closer to him than his jugular vein (i.e. his life source),” “When My servants ask you about Me, then say that I am close,”  and “We are more closer to him than you are but you don’t see.

Allah (swt) hears all callings and voices because all voices are near to Him and He Himself is close also, even if it is accepted that hearing from a distance is Allah’s (swt) quality, then hearing from near is also His quality.

So if we now believe that someone has heard something from near, will we be ascribing Partners to Allah (swt), Every should be believed to  be deaf.

While in Kinaan, Hadrat Yaqoob (as) attained the Scent of Hadral Yusuf’s (as) shirt and said, “انی لا جدریح یوسف ” Is this polytheism or not?

While in Madina, Hadrat Umar (ra) called out to Hadrat Saaria (ra) who was Present in Nawaahind during a jihad. The latter heard this call.- Mishkaat, Baabul Karaamat, Section 3. The eye of Hadrat Umar (ra) saw from afar and the ear of Hadral Saaria (ra) heard a distant calling.

When Hadrat Ibraheem (ra) completed the construction of the Holy Kaaba, he ascended a mountain and called out to all the souls, “O Servants of Allah (swt) Come!” Everybody who will be born until Qiyaamat heard this. The soul that said “Labbaik” on this calling will definitely go for Hajj and the soul that remained silent shall never. Tafseer RoohUI-Bayaan, Jalaalain, Madaarik.

All souls heard the Calling of Hadrat Ibraheem (as) before even being born! Is this polytheism or not?

Hadrat Ibraheem (as) also submitted. “O Allah(swt) Show me how you give life to the dead.” He was ordered to slaughter four birds and put their flesh on four mountains. “Then call them, they will come hastily towards you- 2/260.

Hadrat Sulaiman (as) heard the voice of an ant in the jungle from afar. It said, “Ants! Go into your homes lest Sulaiman (as) and his army crush you unknowingly,’ 27/18.

The Ahadith state that after burial, the deceased in the Qabr hears the sound of the feet of those outside. He also sees and recognizes those who visit the grave. This is why Salaam should be made to the inmates of the graves when entering the graveyard. – Mishkaat, Baabu Ithbaati Azaabil-Qabr.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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