Using Ya-Permissible

Shariath, Using Ya

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


To Proclaim “Ya Rasool ALLAH”

“As Salaatu Was Salaamu Alaika Ya Rasoolullah” (Peace and Blessings upon you, O Messenger of Allah)

Or  to recite “As Alukash Shafaa’atu Ya Rasoolullah” (I seek from you Shafaa’at ‘Intercession’, O Messenger of Allah) is totally permissible.

More than 40 great Scholars and Saints also believed that it is permissible to call out to great Saints and Prophets for assistance. Among them being Hazrat Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra), Imaam Bukhari (ra), Imaam Muslim (ra), Imaam Tabraani (ra), Imaam ibn Jouzi (ra), Ghousal A’zam, Syed Abdul Qaadir Jilaani (ra), Imaam Jalalludeen Suyutwi (ra), Imaam Abdul Wahab Sha’raani (ra), Sayyedi Ahmed Kabeer-e-Awliya Badawi (ra), Shah Wali’ullah Dehlwi (ra) etc.

The most beautiful proof of calling to the Prophet ﷺ is in the Attahiyaat, wherein every worshipper salutes and calls unto the Prophet ﷺ.

If by using the Nida, causes one to be guilty of Shirk, then how is it that it is found in the Salaah?

when we are reciting the Attahiyaat, we should believe that we are directly addressing the Holy Prophet ﷺ and sending Salaams to him, upon oneself and upon all the pious of the Ummah.

The Holy Quran has called out the Holy Prophet ﷺ in several places, e.g. “Ya Ayuhan-Nabi,” “Ya Ayuhar-Rasool,” etc.

Other Ambiya were called by their names, e.g. “Ya Musa (as),” “Ya Esa (as),” “Ya Yaha (as)” etc. but our Beloved Master has been addressed with appreciative titles-Like muzammil ,mudassir etc .

In fact the Holy Quran has even called out the general body of Muslims, “Ya Ayuhalazina Aamanoo”

The Holy Quran states “Call and address them, relating them to their fathers “This verse allows calling out to Hadrat Zaid ibn Haaritha (ra). However, he should not be addressed as “the son of Rasoolullah ﷺ “, but the son of Haaritha”. Likewise, the Kuffaar have been allowed to call their helpers for assistance “واعوا شھداء کم من دون اللہ ان کنتم صدیقین”, 5.3. In the first Hadith of Mishkaat Sharif, Hadrat Jibraeel (as)submitted “یا محمد اخبرنی عن الالسلام”, Calling out (nidaa) is found here. At the time of the Holy Prophet’s ﷺ passing away, the Angel of Death (as) said, “یا محمد ان اللہ ارسلنی الیک” ­Mishkaat. Baabu Wafaatin-Nabi.

Hadrat Uthman ibn Haneef (ra) reports that a blind person came to Rasoolullah ﷺ and requested a dua. Sayyiduna Rasoolullah ﷺ instructed him to make the following supplication, “O Allah (swt) I ask from Thee and turn towards You with the Prophet of Mercy, Muhammad ﷺ. Ya Muhammad ﷺ I have turned towards my Lord using your means in this need of mine so that it is fulfilled. Ya Allah (swt) Accept the intercession of Rasoolullah ﷺ for me.” Hadrat Abu Isbaaq (ra) states that this Hadith is Sahib (sound).” ­Ibn Majah, Baabu Salaatil-Haaja.

Hadrat Baraa (ra) narrates that when the Holy Prophet ﷺ” entered Madina Sharif after migrating from Makkah, men and women ascended the roofs of their homes. The children and slaves went out to the streets and began to call out, “Ya Muhammad ﷺ! Ya Rasoolallah ﷺ Ya Muhammad ﷺ Ya Rasoolallah ﷺ! Muslim, Vol. 2, Baabu Hadeethil-Hijrat.

This  proves the permissibility of making the naraa of risaalat, and we also conclude that the blessed Sahaaba used to practice it.

The Sahaaba organized a march (juloos) to welcome the Holy Prophet ﷺ to Madina. Whenever the Prophet ﷺ returned from a journey, the residents of the city used to march to welcome him. – Mishkaat, Bukhari, etc.

Muslims say in namaaz “السلام علیک ایھا النبی و رحمۃ اللہ و برکاتہ “Addressing the Noble Messenger ﷺ at this juncture is compulsory (Waajib).

“Jalse” means sitting, and “juloos” is its plural. Namaaz is the jalsa of Divine remembrance (zikr) because it occurs at only one place while Hajj is the juloos of remembrance because it occurs in many places.

It is proven from the Quran that the angels brought the Ark of the Covenant (Taaboot-e-Sakina} in a march (juloos).

At the time of the Holy Prophet’s ﷺ birth and Me’raj, angels coordinated themselves in juloos.

Emulating the good is a means of reward. Hence, the march (juloos) which we hold is an emulation of these practices and a means of attaining thawaab.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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