Tibb Wazifa-Near A Grave

Shariath, Tibb Wazifa

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


“And seek a means of approach to him” (5:35),

……..Allah has blessed with His (special) favour: the Prophets, the truthful, the martyrs and the most pious. And how excellent these companions are! 4/69

And, (O Beloved,) if they, having wronged their souls, had come to you imploring the forgiveness of Allah, and the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) had also asked forgiveness for them, then (owing to this mediation and intercession) they would certainly have found Allah Most Relenting, Ever-Merciful.4/64

Nabi  zakaria (as) prayed in the room of  waliya maryam for a child when he saw unseasoned fruits sent by allah to maryam and his dua was accepted(surah maryam) .

Allah says in the quran(17/1) there are blessings around baith al maqdis .around baith al maqdis are the graves of  prophets and messengers.

On one occasion the Sahabah (ra) brought the pulpit to the Messenger of Allah (saw). As the Messenger of Allah (saw) climbed each of the three steps he (saw) said Ameen. After he (saw) finished with his sermon and came back down the Sahabah asked him (saw): “Oh! Messenger of Allah, we have heard something from you that we have not heard from you before.” He (saw) replied “Verily Jibreel (as) came to me as I took the first step and said “Far away (cursed) is he who witnessed Ramadan and did not attain forgiveness”. And so I replied Ameen, so when I took the second step Jibreel (as) said “Far away (cursed) is he who when your (Oh! Muhammad) name is mentioned he does not say Salat upon you”. And when I took the third step Jibreel (as) said “Far away (cursed) is he who witnessed both his parents, or one of them in old age, and he did not enter Jannah because of them”. (tabrani,bukhari)
Why was jibreal eager for rasool allah (saws)’s ameen,even though he is close to allah?jibreal knew ameen said by pious will be accepted.

Sayyida A’isha used to pray regularly in her room, which used to contain the Prophet’s (saws) blessed grave (Recorded by Bukhari (#3303), Muslim (#5325))

Abu Ishaq al-Qarshi (ra) narrates that there was a man with us in Madina. Whenever he used to see any bad deed which he was not capable of stop with his hand, he used to go to the grave of Prophet (Peace be upon him) and say: O the inhabitants of Qabr i.e. Prophet and Sahaba (Abu Bakr and Umar) and our helpers please look towards our state. (Bayhaqi 3879)

Imam Shâfi’î rađiyAllāhu ánhu said:”I seek blessings from Abu Hanifa and go near his grave. When I am need of something I perform two raka’ahs of salāh and then I go near his grave and pray to Allah. Thus, my need is fulfilled quickly” (Raddul Muhtār, vol.1 p.38)

Shaykh Abdul Haq Dehlwi rađiyAllāhu ánhu writes:”Imam Shâfi’î said that the grave of Hadrat Mūsa Kāzim rađiyAllāhu ánhu is a place where supplications are accepted readily” (Ashi’atul Lum’aat, vol.1 p.715)

The belief of Imam ibn Abideen Shaami rađiyAllāhu ánhu (d. 1253H) writes:”Saints hold differing ranks in the court of Allah and to those who visit them, they benefit them through their spiritual stations” (Raddul Muhtār, vol.1 p.604)

Shah Abdul Azīz rađiyAllāhu ánhu writes:

“It is in Sharh Maqasid that visiting graves is beneficial and the souls of the pious cause benefit. Indeed, after death the soul has a connection with the body and the grave. Hence, when someone comes to visit this shrine and turns towards the soul of the inmate, then the two souls (of the visitor and the inmate) form a connection. It is a point of contention whether the help of the living is stronger or that of the deceased. Some scholars have said that the deceased can help more and some have proved this from a narration from the dear Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam that when you need help in a matter, seek it from the people of the grave. The great Shaykh, Shah Abdul Haq Dehlwi rađiyAllāhu ánhu has stated in Sharh Mishkāt that there is nothing in the Qur’an and Sunnah nor the sayings of the Salaf which contradicts this position and forms a proof against it. (Fatawa Azīziya, vol.2 p.108)

Death is physical and its momentary .One whose heart is alive is a pious person.

If you do it next to a grave of a pious

1. If a person is pious definitely his ameen will be considered by allah(swt).

2.  you can use him as wasila

3. wazifa means repeated chanting with fixed number for specific purpose(like tasbih e fathima (ra) 33subhanallah/33alhamduillah /33allahu akber)

4. blessed environment surrounding the pious grave will enhance your spirituality to do wazifa with open heart rather than doing causually.

5.when you can pray for the people of the grave don’t you think so they will also pray for you?

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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