Tibb Wazifa-Manners

Shariath, Tibb Wazifa

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


If allah doesnot test you  then you will become arrogant ,proud and hard hearted .finally you will commit injustice and aggression.

When allah wants to do good to a slave,he will test his slave with pain and affliction, accordingly with degree of his faith. allah in turn purifies and righthly guide the slave. Allah (swt) will reward him with highest degree in this world and hereafter (gazing at allah and residing close to him).

1.If you show anger/rage and disbelief –your written among destroyed ones.

2.If you show grief and abandons a obligation-your written among those who neglect their duties.

3.If you show impatient and complaints-your written among those who commit injustice among themselves.

4.If you reject allah’s decision and question his wisdom- your among those leading to hypocrites/munafiq.

 5.If your patient and firm for allah’s sake –your among patient ones/sabirun.

6.If your content with allah’s decision – your among content belivers

7.If you praise and thank allah –your among thankfull slaves .

8.If you are eager to meet allah-your among those sincere persons in their love for allah.

Allah loves to meet those who loves to meet him.If you love allah then you will be content with what ever he does.


1.Slave does sin but repentance erases those sins +performing good deeds.

2.Allah tests his slaves with evil yet helps with angels

3.Allah tests his slaves with desires but allowed them to satisfy from good sources

4.Allah provides resources against test and trails(try to know the suitable resource and acquire them).

5. Allah sends a diseases along with its cure.

REMEDY —Astagfar ,la hawla wa la quwata ilabillahil aliil azeem, Ayat e karima (la ilaha ila anta subhanaka inni kuntum minz zalimeen) recite n  number of times. Keep reading quran you will come out of grief/calamity. Always say inna lilahi wa innaile hi rajiun and ask for better replacement than the lost one.


To visit a sick person is known as “Iyaadat.” This is to show human kindness and it is a means of earning Sawaab. Most of all it is the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (saws).

If a pious person falls ill, then his status is elevated and if a sinner falls ill then his sins are forgiven.

When visiting a sick person, one should not be unpleasant or unkind.

Do not visit the sick person for a long period. You should make Du’a and then take leave.

Ask the sick person to make Du’a for you since their Dua’s are readily accepted.

“The right of a Muslim over another are five: returning greetings of Salaam, visiting the sick, following the burial ceremony, answering his invitation and saying yarhamukAllah to one who sneezes.”  [al-Bukhari]

“Whoever visits a sick person, he would receive continuous reward until he returns.” [Muslim]

To say “o allah, heal so and so…..is sunnah.

“Whoever visits the sick whose time was not written and says seven times: Asalullaah al-‘Adheem, Rubb al-‘Arsh il-‘Adheem an yashfiyak.(I beseech Allah, the Magnificent, the Rubb of the Magnificent Throne, that He cures you) And Allah will cure him of that sickness.” [Abu Dawood & at-Tirmidhi]

Good health and free time is a reward/bounty from allah to his slave. Don’t waste it. Ask allah for certainty of faith and good health.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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“Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


1.avoiding what might cause harm

2.establishing immunity(2/184,196,4/43)

The cause,its removal and those who remove it are all part of allah’s appointed destiny.

Use both natural and divine approach for treating a disease.

Refresh the body with good scent(itr/perfume/wudh) and listen to good news.

Patient must be visited by his loved ones/relatives. be kind with the patient and say inshallah you will be cured at the earliest.

Donot force the patients to eat and drink. allah feeds them and gives them drink. supply from allah to the patient depends on submission and humbleness/yakeen /raza before allah.

pateint must believe in the medicine and the doctor. quran benefits those who believe in its value.

Fight certain illnesses with nourishment and diet rather than with medicines.

Use single ingredient than using mixture of medicines as much as possible.

Stick to regular day to day diet you will suffer less with diseases.

neutralizs hot with cold ,cold with hot, dry  with wet and wet with dry as a preventive measure.Like dates are hot neutralize with watermelon.

Honey and quran are best remedies for illnesses. drink honey with water on empty stomach its sunnah.

Body accepts that food which is liked by the patient.

true sustainance is spiritual sustenance not material sustenance.


Professional Doctor must have heart and soul knowledge not just physical (must use medicinal and spiritual cures).

Should even give divine remedies  in form of zikrullah/ruqya.

Should be trustworthy,lenient and forbearing/show patiency (sabr) .

Doctor should actively and energetically pursue the disease.

must use easiest treatment first and then later on go for powerful medication. must guide about diet. try to avoid drugs which cause sideeffects.

must treat accordingly with the severity of the condition what patient complains of. give correct dosage and suitable medicine(for diagnosed illness).

if he cannot treat the patient let him refer to other doctor who can do the best job.

Ignorant doctors must be punished for the errors like death of a person or like damage to an organ or like damage amounting to disturbance in day to day life (usually compensated  financially).professional doctor might sometimes does commit a mistake not an error must be forgiven provided its not amounting to damage of higher degree.


Search for a best doctor how you search for best deeni solution(best deeni solution is with a sunni alim who is also a sufi ).

The cause,its removal and those who remove it are all part of allah’s appointed destiny/qadr/taqdir.

Doctor is the servant of nature( means for getting cured). First seek the medicine and then keep tawakkal/reliance on allah.

Doctor must have heart and soul knowledge not just physical (must use medicinal and spiritual cures). Should even give divine remedies  in form of zikrullah/ruqya.

Should be trustworthy,lenient and forbearing/show patiency (sabr) .

Doctor should actively and energetically pursue the disease.

Instinctive  energy(heat with in),the soul and the psyche will strengthen a person.

There is an antidote for every disease. Dosage of drug is very important in curing the disease.

preserving good health is by

1.avoiding what might cause harm

2.establishing immunity(2/184,196,4/43)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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“Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


1. who has the knowledge of allah about names ,attributes, actions and commandments.2. works only for the pleasure of allah. 3. strict follower of sharia.4.  supresses lust/desires.

lesser the sins greater is the spiritual health. Cleanse your heart with repentance. lusts and desires will make heart weak. self/myself/I  is unjust/zulm (greatest zulm /unjustness is shirk )


1. when you see him you will remember allah.(face)2. his actions will remained you about ahkirat.(actions)3.his words will fill your heart with allah.(words) 4. general muslims are witness for his wilayat.

SPIRITUAL HEART PROBLEMS—treated only by establishing  spirtitual contact with the prophets/messengers/Aulia of allah 

1. provide knowledge of allah about names ,attributes,actions and commandments.2. work only for the pleasure of allah 3. strict follower of sharia.4. supressing lust/desires.

Physical Epilepsy –that results from material/chemical imbalance because of  improper activity of brain.

EVIL EPILEPSY——that results from negative forces. its treated with the help of rightueous/exalted souls so that they neutralize the negative effect and  make it harmless.

1.strengthing the heart with repentance

2.sincerely  seeking refuge in allah by heart and tongue. 

3.spiritual doctor must be sincere(keep saying la hawla wala quqwath ilabillahil aliul azeem-aytul kursi-sura falq and surah nas).must be treated with sound mind and sincere faith


Worst diseases that attack heart are shirk, sins and forgetting allah.

Signs of Weak iman — don’t remember allah much— don’t take refuge with allah—- don’t use prophetic supplications and remedies).weakness is because they are prone to evil wishes/desires.

Effects those with weak heart/faith (lustful/desires heart).

Dont practice black magic its haraam and punishable to death. sorcery is punishable to death.

Worst  magic is that which effects the senses of the affected organ. drawing blood from the effected organ is the best cure.

EVIL SPELLS aggravate nature and produce harmful substances affecting the mood.

EVIL EYE starts when a person likes something and he adds his evil thoughts and desire to gain it.

Evil eye is true .its like when you don’t like some one suddenly your face colour changes .

Evil eye is the effect exerted  by the soul on the victim. souls vary in essence,qualities,powers and characteristics.

Evil eye is caused by contact,sight,soul directing its power to the victim through imagination and evil omens.

Evil eye comes from heart and soul of a person and it gets directed to the concerned person.if the opposite person is strong spiritually, evil eye will return back to the same person and will harm him.

Protection depends on strength of the soul ,eman, tawakkal on allah. forgive everyone allah will forgive you. every one has a right to live and their standards are different accordingly with allah’s will .leave them you concentrated on your ahkirat.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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“Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Allah’s speech/kalam ullah(quran)is preferred over the creation because of encompassing mercy and healing. surah fathiha covers everything tauheed,risalat,ahkirat,dua ,wasila of the pious etc. it purifies the heart.

1. Divine cures are best medicines for sorcery .finding the spell and neutralizing it.

2.extracting harmfull substances from the organ affected by sorcery. Protection depends on strength of the soul ,eman, tawakkal on allah.

3.sorcery is the work of evil spirits so neutralize it with recitation of quran , certain prayers,zikrullah .

4.rightueous deeds are best medicines against magic spells/sorcery.

5.say bismillah hir rahman nir rahim and then say evil eye return to the person who started it.

6.Best way to avoid evil eye/nazar is to conceal the blessings  from the people(ie don’t show to the people /don’t show off/pride)

7.Satan(the force of evil) appeals to our nafs(self) and tries to encourage it to commit sins. Keep reciting ya hayyum ya qayyum or alif lam meem allah- la ilaha ila huwal  hayyul qayyum or  wa ilahukum illahu wahid la ilaha illa huwar rahmanur rahim or recite allah’s 99 names regularly or keep reading quran regularly. salat/namaz is best  because it allows  all the organs to prove their slavery to allah.

8.Surrendering to allah will bring peace. tawheed is the diet of the heart (heart starts living by saying la ilaha illal laah) and repentance closes  the doors of the evil.lesser the sins greater is the spiritual health. Cleanse your heart with repentance. lusts and desires will make heart weak. self/myself/I  is unjust/zulm (greatest zulm /unjustness is shirk )

9.Heart must have tawheed(oneness),tawakkal(trust),taqwa(rightueous) and tawajhu(awareness of allah’s presence).Good health and free time is a reward/bounty from allah to his slave. Don’t waste it.Ask allah for certainty of faith and good health.

10. (always be in wazu )Washing with water cools the heart. water extinguishes the veiled thoughts from the aggressors heart. islam and wisdom never contradict with each other.

11. Al-baghawi narrated that once usman saw a handsome boy and commanded blacken his cleft chin so that the evil eye doesnot touch him(prophetic medicine by ibn alqayyim al jawziyya page no 213)

Al khattabi in addition narrated in garib al hadith” it was narrated that usman saw once a handsome boy and that he said hide his cleft chin with black color(so that he was not touched by the evil eye) (prophetic medicine by ibn alqayyim al jawziyya page no 213)


The cause of diesease, its removal and those who remove it are all part of allah’s appointed destiny.

Wetness  and the air contained in the spit of the person who recites Islamic prayers will enhances the chances of recovery. person should recite from heart and soul not just verbal. the strength to spit is his inner spiritual strength .he must be spiritually strong person. their are evil forces and spiritual forces which results on mankind.

1.Tawooz and bismillah—–Always say o allah you have created me  and also the agent which causes pain/harm to be —dont not give it(harmful agent ) power over me— I seek from the evil  of so and so—heal me completely and eradicate the illness—Their none who can heal except you.

2.Best Islamic formulas/ruqya—surah fathiha,falaq,nass ,ayat al kursi,la hawa la wal quwata illabil lahil aliil azeem,third kalma,drinking water of quranic  ayats dipped in it.be in wazu all the time.

3.Say inshaallah –say tawooz(auzbillahi mishshaitan nirrajim) and bismillah hir rahman nir rahim .use ruqyah(devine remedy) for its cure.perform wazu/ablution  or take a bath .evil eye is of two types jinn and human.read surah fathiha ,surah iqlas ,surah falqa and surah nas.blow over your hands and rub over entire body. always say with permission of allah let it heal(biznill lah).

4.Keep your hand on the site of pain and say bismillah 3 times and la hawla walaquwata illabillahil aliil azeem (7 times)


When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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