
Spiritual, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


CONCERNING ALMS (al-zakat–An offering of gratitude)

One is monetary zakaat, the other is spiritual zakaat.

Alms is really thanks giving for a benefit received. It is the growth, purification and blessing. It is one of the means that help purify the soul.

Alms is one of the obligatory ordinances of the faith. It becomes due on the completion of a benefit;  The blessings bestowed upon him by God are infinite, he should render infinite thanks by way of alms.

For eg—Health is a great blessing, for which every limb owes alms. healthy persons ought to occupy all their limbs with devotion.

Everything has its alms, and the alms of a house is the guest-room.

Be thankful to Allah. keep doing charity freely in a liberal way.

Zakaat is not only payable on wealth but also on other blessings like health and fitness. This zakaat is an offering of gratitude and for showing gratitude one cannot keep count, just as Allah does not keep count while bestowing blessings upon His creatures.

Intention is to please allah alone .allah (swt) does not accept a good deed unless it is for his sake only. The Muslim must keep away from hypocrisy, showing off, and reminding people of his generosity. dont make distinction/discrimination while giving charity . Be thankful to Allah. keep doing charity freely in a liberal way.

THE LIBERAL (Muhammad, the Beloved of God (Habib) saws)-

1.does not discriminate

2.his actions are devoid of self-interest

3.without any secondary cause.

4.allah is called liberal, since that name is accompanied by His blessing

5. liberality consists in following one’s first thought(good), for the first thought is unquestionably from God.

6. liberality, regarded as a human quality, is forced and unreal.” A disciple ought always to sacrifice his property and himself in obedience to the command of God.

7.’The first step in Sufi’ism/tasawwuf  is liberality.

The giver of alms must be superior to the receiver, a belief which is utterly false. No: the upper hand belongs to him who takes something from a brother Muslim in order that the latter may escape from a heavy responsibility.

Dervishes are not of this world (dunya’i), but of the next world (‘uqba’i), and if a dervish fails to relieve a worldling of his responsibility, the worldling will be held accountable and punished at the Resurrection for having neglected to fulfil his obligation.

What does Tawakkal mean?

Tawakkal means use the available worldly resouces(putforth your efforts) , trust him what ever he does is for your good and leave the final decision to allah alone.

Live by tawakkal/reliance on allah alone .

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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