
Sohbat, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Shuhada= struggles in path of deen with time/life/wealth etc etc
shaheed/martyrs= for the pleasure of Allah .

They love the deen e islam and death.

Death =change of place (time to timeless ,fana to baqa, non eternal to eternal )

Ilm gives shawr/understanding (haqiqat)

Brain interpret with the help of sense organs

Shaheed is alive and given rizq .you cannot understand the life of barzack .

No rejection when you gain shawr/haqiqat (understanding)

Painless death,alive, given rizq ie jannati food (neymat) and nayeem (raza/qurb/deedar e elahi),forgiveness is guaranteed,ruh is in jannah and keeps contact with the body.

Grave /alaam e barzack is like jannat for them and they rejoice because of fazal/grace of Allah.

They are happy to see from barzack others who are on jihad fisabililah (for ruh, there is no hijab/veil to see)

Ask for shahadat (daily remember death,sleep with wazu,recite darood o salaam 100 times)

Smaller shahadat-drowing,fire,enclosed,epidemic disease,plaque,stomach illness,

Highest jihad- jihad an nafs and qital fisabililah.

Qital/jihad will be till qiyamah –take permission from elders,go with latest weapons ,for defending your motherland,do it for the sake of Allah alone(no show off/suicide)

Shaheed-direct jannah

Ulema-given permission for shafaat/intercession


1.Jihad an-Nafs (learning-practicing-teaching islam iman ihsan )

“The best Jihad is for one to perform Jihad against his own self and against his desires” [Abu Nu’aim]

“Jihad against one’s own self in the Cause of Allah is the best Jihad” [at-Tabaraani]

2.Jihad ash-Shaitan (ignoring temptations and doubts caused by shaintan ie by keeping clean your intentions(do it only for pleasure/raza of Allah) and ignoring waswasas (keep patience))

3.Jihad al-Kuffar wal-Munafiqeen (by using the heart, tongue, wealth and one’s self (body)).

Jihad al-Kuffar is usually practiced with the hand, while Jihad al-Munafiqeen is usually practiced by the tongue (by refuting them and exposing their misguided ways, etc.)

4..Jihad Against those who Practice Injustice, Innovations and Sin (USING HAND FIRST  OR  USING TONGUE OR ATLEAST HEART MUST SAY ITS WRONG)

Ruh e muhammadi is with ummah so Allah will never bring ijtamai punishment on this ummah. Body and soul both are on the earth(madina munnawarah). body of the prophet is the highest respectable place in the entire creation of Allah

Anbiya’s ruh are nourished with tajaliat e elahi

Shuhada’s ruh is near arsh e maula

Aulia’s ruh is in the highest maqam in illiyin.

Muslim’s ruh is in illiyin/peacefull locations.

Kafir’s ruh in sijjin/punishable locations.

Ruh keeps in touch with the body of barzack wherever may be the location of ruh.

To meet people of barzack while sleeping( imam hasan basri(ra))

After isha ,offer 4 rakah nafil salaah with surah fathiha and surah takasur in each rakat and sleep with continous recitation of darood o salaam . repeating it every night in sha Allah you will see the status of the deceased.

Rejection of haqiqi dream is kufr/disbelief.

Keep doing essale sawaab for the deceased person.

Ruh gives faiz/blessings to the body so that body doesn’t decay with respect to pious people ruh is in illiyin and also same time it gives faiz to the body of barzack(alive).spiritual world is free from direction/space/time/distance etc etc. qurb/nearness doesnot depend on distance.

Muslims love death because they meet Allah(beauty) and his prophetﷺ (peace) ,there is beauty and peace.actual life is in jannah with deedar e elahi./sight of Allah.

Ruh always wants to leave body/cage and reach alam e arwah/lahoot/hahoot/jabroot (celestial world)

Momin’s ruh loves to meet Allah and sinner’s ruh loves duniya.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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