
Sohbat, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Love /muhabbat= kaifiyat e dil /state of heart wherein you think its less what you did for Allah and what Allah gave is more .

Love for Allah and duniya cannot stay in 1 heart sameway  disappointment /sadness/gham e duniya and Allah cannot stay in 1 heart.

Be realistic in life, this duniya is temporary and fani what lies is the ahkirat –realistic and baqi/eternal.

Free from duniya =qurb e elahi

Allah becomes happy with slaves good deeds and doesnot lose anything with slaves commiting sins..

Wali=shukr+tawakkal+sabr (free from desires of heart)

Wali= no desires +no diseases of heart.

In a hadith of fazail e majlis e zikr, its mentioned even a person who had happened to visit majlis e zikr not for attending zikr but for some other reason will also be forgiven because of barakah of majlis e zikr .(zikr e awliya is zikr e elahi)

Their will also be discussions about earthly life in jannat.

We are with awliya Allah here in this duniya tomorrow awliya Allah are with us in jannah.

We visit them in duniya (to their graves after death) tomorrow they will give a visit to our apartments.

How can awliya Allah be happy in jannat ,when their loved ones are in jahannum ?

Awliya Allah will not enter jannah until their loved ones are granted jannah (chain by chain all will enter jannah -spritiual head will enter jannah at the last)

Awliya will take you to jannah even if the verdict is out, to go to hell. (haven’t entered hell).

Awliya will get rights of shafaat /intercession and will take out those who are already in the hell their faces are not burnt for their recognisation  washed with abe kousar (pond of kousar ) and freshened  and then made to enter jannah so that people wont recognize them and taunt them saying how many years/time period  you were in jahnnum ? etc etc  beaause jannah is free from taunting /sadness /disappointment.

Increase in darjaat-you will be with them in the same jannah (with respect to status it changes -even if your deeds are not worthy of such high jannah )

Lower level jannah people cannot visit higher level jannati ,upper jannah people will visit lower jannah people .

Your allowed to visit them in their private apartments because of love and sohbat.what is the use of jannah if you cannot visit them?

Deedar/Sight  of Allah because of them (higher level jannati)  ,when they visit low level apartment /jannati.

High level jannati

1.visit low level jannatis

2.special beverages/foods distributed

3.illiyeen noor will be distributed.

4.deedar e elahi for low level jannatis because of the sake of high level jannatis.

5.salaam from Allah to low level jannatis for the sake of high level jannatis

6. even if you haven’t met the person in duniya  but still your love for the sake of Allah you will be with them.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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