
Sohbat, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)




Following saleheen/pious is neymat/gift AND avoiding misguided people(hifazat/protection).

General companionship is sohbat

Spiritual companionship is rafaqat/rafiq (ilm with adab +amal with iqlas)

Companionship should help here and hereafter.

Companionship must be for the sake of Allah to gain his pleasure/ gain marifat of Allah.

Surah fathiha =1.asking for good company 2.asking for protection from bad company.

1. first remove the baatil/false  2.steadfast on haqq/truth

Being following good people is not just enough and also same time, keep away from bad people/company.

Soft hearted  companions are called rafiq

Rafiq makes others comfortable and doesnot put them in difficulty.

Soft hearted people are rewarded with more hasanat.


Good sohbat –increases zikr ,knowledge and ahkirat

1.Face-you will remember Allah

2.Speech  –increases profitable knowledge (marifat of Allah)

3.Actions- increases ahkirat

Good sohbat=spiritual association(muttaqi) ,increases ahkirat and good deeds (for the sake of Allah)

With intellect not with foolish/arrogant people.

Good character –no duniya/anger/desire and focus is on ahkirat (seeking pleasure of Allah)

Companions must be people of sidq o iqlas in amal  and you follow them with muhabbat and itaat/ obedience .

Rafiq/companions= jamat e anbiya , awliya =siddiqeen,shuhada,saleheen

Sohbat/rafaqat/companionship must be for the sake of Allah and to gain his pleasure/raza.

Rafiq/spiritual companion=iman+amaal

Follow their footsteps and prove your worth for their companionship/sohbat and shafaat/intercession.

Mard/male whose heart is filled with allah (body is in this world and heart always with allah)

2.does only for the sake of allah

3. talib e hidayat (yearns for hidayat)

4.Follows good intention/niyat(for allah’s raza/pleasure) +good path/sirate mustaqim(to reach allah)+ reaching destination(to meet allah)

5. angels will spread wings for him +fishes will pray for forgiveness

6. ilm/knowledge should be for hidayat/guidance (to seek allah’s pleasure)

Mard /male =slave worship only to gain Allah’s pleasure (be in duniya but don’t keep duniya in your heart). Those who remember allah abundantly are called males/mard

Fazal of Allah/shafat of rasoolAllahﷺ   = jannah (not amaal/deeds)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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