Ruh-Nafs Desires

Ruh, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Ruh  and nafs

Nafs and ruh fight for occupying heart .when ruh occupies heart your noorani/englightened because ruh is light and when nafs occupies heart your hywani/animal because nafs is dark . 

Tariqat= negation of self by purification of nafs/heart/soul

Alaam e malakut (Angelic world) has ruh/soul.

In alam e arwah(world of souls) everyone accepted Allah as god and prophets were sent to guide people .

Allah will never harm his creation but creation themselves have brought loss/hell for themselves. Shaitan will never harm those slaves who have cleansed their nafs, heart and soul .

Ibadat =slave worshiping Allah alone (shirk /partnership is zulm/oppression on soul)

Abudiat =connection of heart with Allah and connection with creation (be in duniya but don’t keep duniya inyour heart) .highest level of abdiat/servanthood.worship with clean heart and soul.people of nearness/highest spiritual status .

Abduhu /abdihi= highest connection of heart /soul with Allah


1.desires of jism/body

2.desires of brain/wijdan-khayal/thought

3.desires of ruh/spiritual

People of desires of body and thought doesn’t know the beauty of desires of ruh (huzoori/presence in front of Allah).

Ruh =call towards good (taharat/deeds)

Ruh has occupied heart –heart is like ruh now

Qalb/ruh =desires Allah’s pleasure.

Feeling his presence in you with ruh/heart by self neagation of your siffats and getting coloured with his siffat  .

SIFFAT/ATTRIBUTES-intellect /heart/ruh/sir/khafi/ahkfa (select wird/wazifa accordingly).

Ruh=siffat e asrar/wealth like living/death/presence/ghaib/marifat etc etc

Ruh /spirit of amal/deed =niyyat(intention of heart/haal e dil)

Ruh e deen =ahklaq e hasana.

Ruh e salaah =sidq o iqlas,khushu o khuzoo.

Accepted /Successful salaah =stops you from baddeeds (jism e salaah)and bad ahklaq ie diseases of heart (ruh e salaah) ie correction of actions +ahklaq.

Ruh/soul e zakaat= (kaifiyat e  qalb) haal and maal/wealth (sadaqa/charity)(ehsan/benevolence)

Ruh/soul  e saum- adopting taqwa ,prevents you from bad ahklaq, fulfilling the needs of needy people(islah e nafs)

Ruh/soul e hajj= iqlas e niyyat of heart (haal) , pilgrimage from bad to good ahklaq/character.( sacrificing life and wealth for Allah’s pleasure)

Ruh/spirit of salaah

1.qushu o quzu (concentration and devotion)

2. sidq o iqlas (sincerity and purity)

3.with Allah’s marifat/recognisation

4.for the sake of Allah (to gain his raza/pleasure)

5. heart is involved in the prayer.

Sabr and salaat are mentioned together but first sabr then salaat.

There is punishment for people of salaah/namaz because they have lost the spirit/ruh/essence of salaah and they offer salaah for show off/riya .

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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