Qurbait Knowledge-Source

Qurb, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Qurbiat/nearness of allah taala–Knowledge

How to gain Qurbiat/Nearness of Allah Ta’ala ?

You need 4 things 1.knowledge 2.love 3.akhlaaq 4.nawafil (other than fariaz)

THE SOURCES OF KNOWLEDGE – are divided into three parts: 5physical senses,5 spiritual senses,5 subtleties,divine revelation

1.Five Physical Senses —-Sense of Touch (sensations from skin; cutaneous senses: pressure, warmth, cold and pain) Vision (sense of seeing) Audition (sense of hearing) Gustation (sense of taste) Sense of Smell (sensations of olfactory organ, nose) .

2.Five Spiritual Senses –Common Sense ,Imagination ,Thinking ,Memory ,Association . So intellect and senses are interdependent.

3.Five Subtleties of Intuition (ecstasy/wajdan or latif/intuition)— The subtle essence of the heart , of the spirit , of the secret , of the hidden, of the most secret of the secret. These subtleties provide light to the eye of your heart. where the spiritual eye opens up.

4.Devine Revelation—The facts and truths lying beyond the access of five senses, reason and ecstasy are learnt only through Divine Revelation. This is the special blessing of Allah Almighty (SWT) that He showers on His chosen servants, the Prophets and the Messengers.

The mission of acquiring knowledge cannot be accomplished without seeking guidance from the Holy Prophet (saws)

THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH (Haqiqat) has three pillars

(1) Knowledge of the Essence and Unity of God.
(2) Knowledge of the Attributes of God.
(3) Knowledge of the Actions and Wisdom of God

THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE LAW (Shari’at) also has three pillars

(1) The Quran.
(2) The Sunnah.
(3) The Consensus (Ijma) of the Muslim community


1.involves recognition,

2.That God exists externally by His essence,

3.that He is infinite and not bounded by space,

4.that His essence is not the cause of evil,

5.that none of His creatures is like unto Him,

6.that He has neither wife nor child,

7.that He is the Creator and Sustainer of all that your imagination and intellect can conceive


1.that God has attributes existing in Himself,

2.which are not He nor a part of Him, but exist in Him and subsist by Him, e.g. Knowledge, Power, Life, Will, Hearing, Sight, Speech, etc.


1.that God is the Creator of mankind and of all their actions,

2.that He brought the non-existent universe into being,

3.that He predestines good and evil and creates all that is beneficial and injurious

THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE LAW involves your knowing

1.that God has sent us Apostles with miracles of an extraordinary nature;

2.that our Apostle, Muhammad (on whom be peace!), is a true Messenger, who performed many miracles,

3.and that whatever he has told us concerning the Unseen and the Visible is entirely true

KNOWLEDGE OF GOD -is the science of Gnosis (ilm-i ma’rifat), whereby He is known to all His prophets and saints. It cannot be acquired by ordinary means, but is the result of Divine guidance and information.

KNOWLEDGE FROM GOD – is the science of the Sacred Law (ilm-i shari’at), which He has commanded and made obligatory upon us.

KNOWLEDGE WITH GOD- is the science of the “stations” and the “Path” and the degrees of the saints. Gnosis is unsound without acceptance of the Law, and the Law is not practised rightly unless the “stations” are manifested.

whereas the heart (dil) sees the empyrean (‘arsh) by 1.the light of knowledge 2.unification and love

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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