Quranic Understanding Ilm Iman

Quran, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Just reciting –barakah (Every ayah is reflection/mazaar of sign of Allah)

Just understanding –ilm for guidance.

When nafs is involved –gumrah/misguidance

Reflection in the heart-baseerat/mushahida (veils of nafs and heart come in between Allah and his signs)

Reflection in the heart changes kaifiyat/haal and gives marifat (heart acts as a mirror)-awliya Allah

Recitation is by mouth AND witnessing is by heart.

Haqiqate ayah can be visualized in the heart (mushahida). Every ayah is reflection/mazaar of sign of Allah.

Mushahida strengthens iman like uzair (as) asked for mushahida wherein food was fresh and donkey was dead. ibrahim(as) asked for mushahida for strengthening iman and to gain peace wherein birds where ordered to kill and once called they all came back alive.

mushahida gives tawakkal/trust meaning no trust on asbab only on musabib.

Tawakkal =kaifiyat e qalb where there is no sight on asbab only Allah in sight.using asbab but not relying on them.


ilm – about Allah (qadeem –no beginning and no end)and about creation(started from somewhere-was not from the beginning)

(Talib e ilm) gaining ilm/knowledge=Intention should be to please Allah and serve the deen (khidmate deen)

Iman is saved by 1.ilm/knowledge  2.amal/good deeds 3.akhlaq e hasana/good character 4.love/muhabbah

Iman =noor placed inside heart (it starts seeing/hearing/speaking/zikr)

Intellect cannot comprehend iman.

Blind means those who are blind by heart whereas illuminated heart see the hidden things (unseen)

Haqiqi iman =illuminated heart by haqiqi zikr

Fahm e deen /understanding deen =nafs create fitna , if you do it for Allah’s pleasure /raza you will get fahm e deen (no nafs )

Ilm e aqidah/belief =ilm ul yaqeen example death

Ilm e mushahida/witnessing=ain ul yaqeen example witnessing others dieing

Ilm e haqiqat/truth= haqq ul yaqeen example experiencing death on himself.

Iman bil ghaib(unseen)=ilm/knowledge

Iman bil mushahida =ain/witnesssing

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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