
Purification, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Nafs e ammara-nafs is in our heart/slaves of the desires/wordly affairs/shaitan speaks

Nafs e lawamma-start fighting with nafs/shaitan furious/putting questions in the heart

Nafs e mulhima-nafs is still there/waswasa&hope/shaitan tricks by alternate ways like you have done enough zikr /pray later/why astagfar when I have not done anywrong/munfiqat

Nafs e mutmainna-nafs&shaitan are silent/no resistance in azkar and ibadat/heart is activated & seeby it.

Nafs e radhiyya-entry into touheed/baseerat is created in the heart/see Allah everywhere in everything/mushahida and fail e haqiqi is HU.stop listening to nafs&shaitan but shaitan tries to lead you into shirk/gumrahi by manipulating our mushahida.

Nafs e mardhiyya-love conquer everything including nafs&shaitan/heart eye is completely open we start speaking language of  the soul.

Nafs e kamila-nafs is completely purified/perfection and we enter maqam e qalb.


At tauba-return to Allah/urge to cry and get cleaned with astagfar regularly.

At taslim-surrender to Allah/leaves body/heart/soul to Allah’s will in turn gets love and peace /profit and loss doesnot matter/always thankfull to Allah.

Al adab– politeness/quite/absorbs anger

Al khawf-fear of Allah/feels Allah is always with him/feeling between hope& fear of Allah

As sidq-righteousness/everything Allah has said is truth/religion/books/prophets/iman.

Al haqiqat-station of truth/looking at himself as if no body just noor/resist darkness/ibadat will be change from ritual to haaziri to huzoori (feeling ibadat done with heart&soul not just body.presence of beloved is strong.fana fil sheik is achieved .

Al muhabba-the deep love.love prophet (peace be upon him) increases .prophet (peace be upon him) said I’m the mirror of Allah’s husn and jamal.this haqqiqat is revealed to salik.


At taffakur-silent remembrance/quiet living with heart/heart filled with noor/heart&self disappears/both get united/saalik lives with soul.shaik helps you stay on right path.

Al hubb-sincerity of love/hearing with ears of the heart/presence of prophet (peace be upon him) is felt and love increases /everything  from heart is erased except Allah,the beloved/gateway for knowledge of secret of soul.

Al itlaq-station of freedom/love is understood/unity of nafs/mind/heart/soul& sirr is experienced /all are one/there is nothing only he.Allah says heart of my faithfull believer contains me.

Al ubudiyya-servant of Allah/becomes true servant of Allah/belives every word without question.

Al marifa-knowing of the truth/prayers make meaning&understanding/starts to know Allah /soul gets cleaned /he becomes noor/eye of soul is activated/there is only Allah and saalik.

Al hadrath al itlaq-presence of the freedom/saalik reflects qualities of Allah/Allah becomes his hand/ear/legs/hand etc as said in hadith e qudsi.there is no one except he in this world there is no soul except his soul la ilaha illla hu.saalik is just reflecting the qualities of Allah and these are given as trust to saalik by Allah.

Al fana-annihilation in Allah/praying from soul not from body or heart .so praying changes stage by stage from just bodily to heart and to soul .

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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