Prophets Are Alive-Imams

Prophets, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)




are alive in Graves [hayat un anbiya]

Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (ra) have said in Fath-ul-bari that: Imam Bayhaqi has compiled a fabulous book on Hayaat of Anbiya (alayhis salam) in their graves, there he has narrated a hadith from Hadrat Anas (ra) that Prophets (alayhis salam) are alive in their graves and praying. He has narrated this hadith from the route of Yahya bin Abi kathir and he is narrator of Sahih, (Next Page No. 603) he has narrated from Mustalim bin Saeed who is declared as “THIQA”(Sound) by Imam Ahmad and Imam Ibn Hibban, from Hajaj al-Aswad and he is Ibn Abi Ziyad al-Basri whom Imam Ahmad and (Yahya) bin Moeen declared “THIQA”(Sound) from Thabit and Imam Abu Yala has also mentioned this hadith in his musnad on the same way…. Also when the living of the martyrs is proven from the Nass of the Qur’an, then the Prophets are superior than the martyrs [Fath ul Bari, Volume No. 6, Page Nos. 602-603]
Imam Bayhqi (rah) said in “Latifah fi Hayat al-Ambiya” That its chain of authorities Anas bin Malik (ra) is sahih (“Sound”) Supported by numerous chains of transmiss.

Hadrat Sheikh ‘Abd al-Haq “Muhaddith-e-Dehwli” states under the commentary of this Hadith that:The Prophets of Allah are alive in their graves, “JUST AS THEY WERE ALIVE IN THE WORLD“[Ash’at al-Lam’at – Vol. 1 Pg. 576]
Sheikh Abdul Haq Muhadith dehlvi (rah) clarifies another important point, he states:The Prophets are alive and everyone believes that they are alive; there is no disagreement in this. Their life (in their graves)”IS REAL, PHYSICAL LIFE (LIKE THEY POSSESSED IN THE WORLD)” not like the martyrs whose life is only spiritual. [Ash’at al-Lam’at – Vol. 1 Pg. 574]

Qadhi Shawkani says before narrating it:It has been narrated by Imam Ahmed and Abu Dawud with a Sahih and Marfu chain from Abu Hurraira [Nayl al Awtar 5/164]

Ibn al-Jawzi statement on hadith: Ibn al-Jawzi specifies in the introduction of al-Wafa that he only included sound traditions in his book. He also mentions the version through Aws ibn Aws: “The actions of human beings are shown to me every Thursday on the night of (i.e. preceding) Friday.” See also Fath al-Bâri 10:415, ,al-Mundhiri’s Targheeb wa al-Tarheeb 3:343,

Sa’eed bin Abdul Aziz (rah) narrates: During the incident of Al-Harra, there was no Adhaan or Iqamah proclaimed from Masjid an Nabi (ﷺ) for “3 Days” Saeed bin Musayb (rah) stayed in the Mosque, “HE USED TO FIND OUT ABOUT TIME OF PRAYER BY THE WHISPERING VOICE WHICH HE HEARD FROM INSIDE THE GRAVE OF PROPHET (ﷺ) [Sunnan al Darimi, Volume No.1, Page No. 44, Hadith # 94, Published by Dar ul Kutb al-iLmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon]

1. Ibn Taymiyyah said: “The proof of dead awareness comes from two Sahih Books of Bukhari and Muslim in which Rasool Allah ﷺ said that when people have buried a dead person and leave for home, the dead can hear the thumps of sandaled feet of those who leave.” [Majmuaat-al-Fatawa by Ibne Taymiyyah, Volume 24: Page No. 362]
Ibn Taymiyah writes: ‘A group of people heard the answer of their salaam. And, in the days of Harrah, Sa’id ibn al- Musayyib heard the voice of our Prophet ﷺ saying the adhan, from the grave. And there are more events like these and they are all true. [Ibn Taymiyya, Iqtidah Siratul-Mustakeem, Page No. 373]

2. Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani states: “Death will never come to the Blessed Messenger of Allah ﷺ in his grave, but he will remain alive, due to the fact that the Prophets remain alive in their graves” [Fath al-Bari, Volume 17: Page No. 22] When the living of the martyrs is proven from the Nass of the Qur’an, then the Prophets are superior than the martyrs” [Fath al-Bari, (6/379)]

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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