Prophet Yaqoob(as) And Yousuf(as)-Benyamin

Prophet, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Yaqoob(as) and yousuf(as) 3

12/70…….. Yusuf (Joseph) said: ‘(If you really want me to accomplish a special assignment, then) appoint me as (a minister and trustee of) the treasures in the land (of Egypt). Indeed, I am well versed in resource management and resource protection and an expert (in financial management).’

12/72…We honour with Our mercy whom We will, and We waste not the reward of the pious. And certainly, the reward of the Hereafter is of greater value for those who believe and tread the path of Godwariness.

12/74……(During the days of famine) Yusuf’s (Joseph’s) brothers came (to Egypt to procure grain) and came to him. So Yusuf (Joseph) recognized them, but they could not recognize him. And when Yusuf (Joseph) had furnished them with their provisions (supplies and material), he said: ‘Bring me (Benjamin) your brother on the father’s side. Do you not see (how) full I measure and I am the best host (too)?

12/76….’ And Yusuf (Joseph) said to his servants: ‘Put their money (which they paid for grain back) into their sacks so that when they return to their family, they may identify it (that the money is back). It is likely that they may come again (for the very same reason).’

12/78……So when they returned to their father, they said: ‘O our father, (further provision of) grain for us has been banned (except that Benjamin accompanies us). So send our brother (Benjamin) with us (in order that) we may fetch (more) grain, and we shall certainly be his guards.’

12/79….Ya‘qub (Jacob) said: ‘Shall I trust you with him (as well) the same way as before this I trusted you with his brother (Yusuf—Joseph)? Then Allah alone is the Best Protector, and He alone is the Most Merciful of all the merciful.’

12/80… And we shall take good care of our brother, and shall bring the load of a camel in addition. This grain (that we have already brought) is a small quantity.’

12/82…..Ya‘qub (Jacob) said: ‘I shall not send him with you at all until you give me a firm promise by swearing a solemn oath by Allah that you shall certainly bring him (back) to me unless you (all) are beset (somewhere or slain).

12/83…. Surely, Ya‘qub (Jacob) possessed knowledge as We had blessed (him) with (special) knowledge, but most people do not know (these realities).

12/85………So when (Yusuf [Joseph]) had provided them with their material, he placed (the king’s) goblet into his brother’s (Benjamin’s) sack. Later a herald called out: ‘O you men of caravan, (halt;) surely, you (seem to be) thieves.’ They turned towards them and said: ‘What have you found missing?’ They (the servants of the king’s court) said: ‘We are missing the royal goblet…..

12/88….. They said: ‘Its penalty will be that the one from whose sack (the goblet) is found, he himself will be its penalty (i.e., he should be held in retribution). That is how we punish the wrongdoers.’ So Yusuf (Joseph) began to search their sacks before his brother’s.

12/90…. Then (at last) he took (the goblet) out of his (real) brother’s (Benjamin’s) sack. That is how We revealed to Yusuf (Joseph) the plan. He could not have held his brother (as a captive) under the law of the king (of Egypt) except (as) Allah wills. We exalt in ranks whom We like. And above every possessor of knowledge is (also) One possessing greater knowledge.

12/91…..They said: ‘If he has committed theft (then there is nothing to wonder at). Indeed, his brother (Yusuf [Joseph]) has also committed theft before.

12/92 …….They said: ‘O ‘Aziz (of Egypt), his father is an aged, elderly person. So detain any one of us in his stead. Surely, we have seen that you are of the generous (and benevolent) people.’

12/93 ……. Go you back to your father and say: O our father, your son has surely committed theft (and consequently he has been held). And we bore witness only to what we knew. And we were no guardians of the unseen.

12/94……Ya‘qub (Jacob) said: ‘(It is not so.) In fact, your (ill-commanding) selves have made this affair attractive for you. Now (only) patience is the finest (option). It is likely that Allah brings to me all of them.

12/95…..and said: ‘Alas! (My dear son) Yusuf (Joseph’s unbearable separation)!’ And his eyes had gone white with grief. And he was suppressing his sorrow.

12/96…. He said: ‘I bewail my worry and grief to Allah alone, and I know from Allah what you do not know.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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