Prophet Nuh(as) And Kuffar

Prophet, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Nuh (as) and kuffar and the torment


23/24  the chiefs (and the lords) of his people who disbelieved said:

23/24…….‘This man is just a human being like you (nothing else). He seeks to establish (his) superiority and predominance over you

23/24……. And if Allah wanted (to send some Messenger for guidance), He would send down angels.

23/24…….We have never heard of it from our ancestors (that a human being like us should be appointed as our Messenger).

23/24…….He is nothing but a man (afflicted) with madness. So wait for him, for a while (and keep an eye on what he does next).’

11/28……… ‘You appear to us but a human like ourselves, and we have not seen any (honourable person) following you except the most inferior and lowest of (our society)

11/28……… Nor do we find in you any merit and superiority over us (i.e., power and authority, wealth and riches, or the worthy people joining your party….).

11/28…..Instead, we consider you to be liars.’

26/108…… ‘Should we believe in you whilst the people of the lowest and most worthless (classes of society) are following you?’

11/35…….. indeed you have disputed with us and disputed much. So now bring upon us that (torment) which you promise us if you are (really) truthful.’

11/41….And whenever the chiefs of his people passed by him, they would scoff at him.

26/115…….if you do not stop (saying these things), then surely you will be stoned to death.’

7/60……… surely, we find you (caught) in an open error.’


26/118…(Nuh [Noah]) submitted: ‘O my Lord, my people have rejected me. So judge between me and them, and deliver me and the believers who are in my company.’

11/40….And it was revealed to Nuh (Noah): ‘None of your people will (now) believe (any more) except those who have (so far) believed. …. And build an Ark before Our Eyes in compliance with Our instructions, …….

11/42…….We said: ‘(O Nuh [Noah],) place aboard the Ark a pair of animals (male and female) of every species, and (take in) your family except those against whom the command (of destruction) has already gone forth, and whoever has believed (also take him with you).’ And, except a few, none had believed with him.

23/34……you get settled in the Ark, then say: All praise be to Allah alone, … And submit: O my Lord, land me at a blessed destination, …….

11/43……Nuh (Noah) said: ‘Get into the Ark; in the Name of Allah will it sail and anchor.

11/44…..Then Nuh (Noah) called out to his son, ….‘O my son, get aboard with us and do not stay with the disbelievers.’ He said: ‘(Instead of embarking on the Ark) I shall just now take shelter on some mountain. That will save me from the Deluge.’

11/45…Nuh (Noah) said: ‘None can save today from Allah’s punishment except someone to whom He (Allah) shows His mercy.’ In the meanwhile, a (violent) wave came between both (father and son). So he was one of the drowned.

11/48….(Allah) said: ‘O Nuh (Noah), indeed he(son) is not included in your family because his actions were not righteous. ……

23/30….And also do not supplicate Me concerning those who have wronged (by denying and mocking you(disbelivers)). They shall (surely) be drowned.

11/49…Nuh (Noah) submitted: ‘O my Lord, ….. if You forgive me not and bestow (not) mercy on me, (then) I shall be of the losers.’

11/46…….it was commanded: ‘O earth, swallow up your water and, O sky, cease pouring.’ …….. and the Ark came to rest on Mount al-Judi and it was said: ‘Far away are the unjust (from mercy)!’

11/49….He was commanded: ‘O Nuh (Noah), get down (from the Ark) with peace and blessings from Us on you and on the (kingdoms, classes and) species that are with you. …..

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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