Prophet Musa (as) And Bani Isreal-40 Nights

Prophet, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

musa (as) and bani isreal 2

2/49…And (also recall) when We delivered you from Pharaoh’s people, who used to inflict severe torment upon you: they slaughtered your sons and kept your daughters alive. ..….And when We parted the river (to rescue you) and (in this way) delivered you, and (on the contrary) We drowned Pharaoh’s people before your eyes.

2/51….And (also recall) when We made an appointment with Musa (Moses) for forty nights. Then after Musa ([Moses] went into retreat), you took the calf as (your) god for worship, and you were no doubt awful transgressors. Then We pardoned you (even) after that so that you might give thanks. And (remember) when We bestowed upon Musa (Moses) the Book and the miracle distinguishing the truth from falsehood, so that you might take the path of guidance. And when Musa (Moses) said to his people: ‘O my people, no doubt you have (seriously) wronged your own souls in taking the calf (as your god). Now turn in repentance to your Creator (the True Sustainer). So, kill one another (amongst yourselves so that those who have not taken the calf for worship and who have stuck to their religion should kill those who worshipped the calf as punishment for turning away from their religion). This (act) would be the best (repentance) for you in the sight of your Creator.’ Then He accepted your repentance. Surely, He is Most Relenting, Ever-Merciful.

2/55….And (remember) when you said: ‘O Musa (Moses)! We will never believe in you until we see Allah completely unveiled (before our eyes).’ So, (on this) a thunder seized (and eliminated) you, and you kept watching (this spectacle yourselves). Then We brought you back to life after your death so that you pay (Us) thanks.

2/57….And (recall) when We cast the shade of clouds over you (in the Tiha valley) and sent down for you manna and quails so that you might eat of the pure things We provided for you. So they did not harm Us at all (by disobeying and showing Us disregard), but persistently harmed their own souls.

2/58…And (remember) when We said: ‘Enter this city, and eat as much as you wish from wherever you desire, but enter (the city) gate prostrating and praying: (O our Lord!) We seek forgiveness (for all of our sins). We shall (then) forgive your (previous) sins and, (besides,) We shall bestow more (favours and blessings) upon the righteous.’ But (those) transgressors substituted some other phrase in place of that which was said to them. So We sent down a calamity from heaven on (those) evildoers (in the form of a plague) because they were (persistently) disobeying.

2/61…And (recall) when Musa (Moses) prayed for water for his people. We directed: ‘Strike that rock with your stick.’ Then twelve springs gushed out of that (rock). Verily, each clan identified their respective drinking place. (We said:) ‘Eat and drink of the sustenance (given) by Allah, but do not seek to do mischief in the land.’ And when you said: ‘O Musa (Moses), we cannot be content with only one kind of food (i.e., manna and quails), so pray to your Lord (in our favour) that He may bring forth for us of cultivated produce: green herbs, cucumbers, wheat, garlic, lentils and onions.’ (Musa [Moses]) said (to his people): ‘Do you demand something inferior in exchange for something superior? (And if that is what you wish, then) go down to any city. Surely (there) will be (available) all what you demand.’ Then dishonour and deprivation were brought upon them, and they incurred the wrath of Allah because they used to deny the signs of Allah and kill the Prophets unjustly. This was also because they used to disobey and would (always) exceed limits.

2/63….. And (recall) when We took a firm promise from you and raised the Mount of Sinai high above you, so that you hold fast firmly what We have given you. And bear in mind whatever is (written) in this (Book, the Torah,) so that you become pious. Yet you turned back after this (promise and warning). So, had there not been Allah’s bounty and His mercy upon you, you would have been wrecked indeed.

2/64….And (O Jews) certainly you know well those of you who violated (the injunctions concerning) the Sabbath (Saturday). So We said to them: ‘Be you apes: rejected and despised.’ So We made this (event) a lesson of warning for their contemporaries as well as later generations, and (a source of) admonition for the pious.

2/65….And (also recall) when Musa (Moses) said to his people: ‘Verily, Allah enjoins you to sacrifice a cow.’ They said: ‘Do you make fools of us?’ Musa (Moses) said: ‘I seek the protection of Allah (against) becoming one of the ignorant.’ (Then) they said: ‘Pray for us to your Lord that He may make clear to us what kind of cow (that) shall be.’ (Musa [Moses]) said: ‘Certainly, He ordains that the cow is to be neither old nor young (heifer), but in between (fully grown). So now implement what you have been ordered.’ They (again) said: ‘Pray to your Lord for us that He may specify what her colour should be.’ Musa (Moses) said: ‘He says the cow should be yellow, rich in tone, (so attractive that) it pleases the viewers.’ (This time) they said: ‘Pray for us to your Lord that He may make clear to us what exact type of cow it is (because) the cow has become doubtful to us, and if Allah so wills, we shall indeed be guided aright.’ (Musa [Moses] said:) Allah has ordained: ‘(That is not any inferior cow. Instead) it is certainly (a superior) cow, which has been employed neither for ploughing nor for watering the field, a cow in sound health, without any blemish.’ They said: ‘Now you (have) brought the truth.’ So they sacrificed it, though they did not look like doing it.

2/73….And (recall), when you killed a man, then started disputing amongst yourselves (for its blame), and Allah was to unveil that event which you were concealing. Then We commanded: ‘Strike this (dead body) with a piece of this (cow).’ That is how Allah restores the dead to life, (or will give life to the dead on the Day of Resurrection,) and He shows you His signs so that you may apply your knowledge and understanding.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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