Prophet Lut(as)

Prophet, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


7/80 …..when he(lut) said to his people: ‘Do you perpetrate (such) lasciviousness as no people in the world have attempted before you?

29/28… ‘Surely, you commit the worst indecency. None of the nations in the whole world has ever committed this (indecency) before you.

29/29….Do you approach men (for your sexual desire) and commit highway robberies and do indecent deeds in your (crowded) meetings?’

27/54  …The truth is that you are ignorant people.’

26/160…. ‘Do you not fear (Allah)? Verily, I (have come as) a trustworthy Messenger to you. So fear Allah and obey me.

26/162…..And I do not demand of you any wages for this (preaching of the truth). My reward is only with the Lord of all the worlds.

26/168… ‘No doubt I am of those who are disgusted by your practice.

29/31….. ‘O Lord! Help me against the mischief mongers.’

26/168….O Lord! Deliver me and my family from (the consequent suffering of) this practice which they are doing.’ So We delivered him and his entire family, Except for an old woman who was amongst those who stayed behind. ….

26/166…They said: ‘O Lut (Lot), if you do not stop (saying these things), you will surely become of the exiled.’

7/83……. They(people) said: ‘Drive them out of the town; indeed, they seek the utmost purity!’

27/57….they said: ‘Drive out the family of Lut (Lot) from your town; they claim to be very pious!’

29/30….. they said: ‘Bring Allah’s torment upon us if you are truthful.’

29/32…….. And when Our messengers (angels) came to Lut (Lot), he felt distressed (on their arrival) and felt depressed for their (intention to torment).

29/34……And (the messengers) said: ‘Do not feel afraid or grieved. We shall no doubt save you and your family except your wife. She is of those who will remain behind (for torment).

 (The angels were extremely handsome, and Lut [Lot] was aware of the evil habit of his people, The people of Lut ([Lot], hearing about the arrival of the guests, came to him running. And they were already addicted to evil-doing).

15/72……Lut (Lot) said: ‘Surely, they are my guests, so do not put me to shame (about them). And fear (the wrath of) Allah and do not humiliate me.’

11/76….Lut (Lot) said: ‘O my (disobedient) people, here are my (people’s/ ummah) daughters. They are pure and lawful for you (through marriage). So, fear Allah and do not humiliate me in the presence of my guests (because of your indecency). Is there not amongst you even a single man of upright character?’

11/78…They said: ‘You know well that we have nothing to do with your (people’s) daughters. And you certainly know what we desire.’

15/74…… ‘(O Lut [Lot],) did we not forbid you (to provide protection to) all the people of the world?’

11/80….(Thereupon the angels) said: ‘O Lut (Lot), we are the messengers of your Lord. … So leave during a part of the night with your family and let not any of you look (back); but (do not take) your wife (with you). The same (torment) that will come upon them is going to reach her (too). Surely, the time appointed for their (torment) is the morning…

27/58….And We heavily rained upon them (stones). So evil was the rain (of stones) upon those people who were stressed with horror.

27/59…..Say: ‘All praise be to Allah, and peace be upon His Servants whom He has chosen (and exalted). Is Allah better or those (false gods) that these people associate (with Him)?

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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