Prophet Ibrahim (as) And Kuffar

Prophet, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


6/76….So when the night spread its darkness over him, he beheld a star and said: ‘Is this my Lord (according to your view)?’ But when it set, he said (communicating to his people): ‘I do not like the setting ones.’

6/77…..Then when he saw the moon shining, he asked: ‘Is this my Lord (according to your view)?’ But when that (also) went down, he said (communicating to his people): ‘Had my Lord not guided me, I would surely have become (like you) one of those who go astray.’

6/78…. Then when he saw the sun shining, he said: ‘Is it my Lord (in your view because) this is the biggest?’ But when that (too) set, he exclaimed: ‘O people! I dissociate myself from (all) those (objects) that you associate (with Allah) as His partners.

6/80… (Then) he said: ‘Do you dispute with me about Allah, Who has in fact guided me aright? And I fear not these (false gods)….

6/81…. My Lord has encompassed everything with (His) knowledge. So, do you not accept admonition?

6/82…And how should I fear these (false gods) that you associate as partners (with Allah) whilst you do not fear that you have set up (idols as) peers to Allah (whereas) He has not sent down to you any authority (to associate? Now reply yourselves:)

6/79…….I have indeed turned my face single-mindedly (from all sides) towards that (Being) Who has created the heavens and the earth beyond compare and (beware, for) I am not from amongst the polytheists.’

26/70…… …..(Ibrahim) said ‘What do you worship?’

26/70….They said: ‘We worship idols and remain stuck to their (worship and care).’

26/72 (Ibrahim) said: ‘Do they hear you when you call (them)? Or do they bring you any profit or loss?’

26/72 They said: …. we found our fathers doing the same.’

26/74 (Ibrahim) said: ‘Have you (ever) thought (of their reality) you worship?’ (Did) you or (any of) your forefathers (ever realize)? So (all) these (idols) are enemies to me except the Lord of all the worlds. ……

29/16…. (Ibrahim) said: ‘Worship Allah and fear Him. That is better for you if you know (the reality). You worship idols besides Allah and fabricate mere lies.

29/17…Surely, those you worship instead of Allah are not masters of your sustenance. So always seek sustenance from Allah, and worship Him alone, and give thanks to Him. You will be returned to Him alone.

29/25……..‘You have taken up the worship of idols leaving Allah merely for the sake of mutual friendship in the life of this world.

37/90……….. ..Do you go for false gods besides Allah, inventing a false allegation? Well! What do you think of the Lord of all the worlds?’

21/52….. ‘What idols are these (whose worship) you are stuck to, squatting?’

21/52….They said: ‘We found our fathers worshipping them.’

21/54…Ibrahim said: ‘Surely, you and your fathers (all) were in manifest error.’

21/54…They said: ‘Have you (alone) brought the truth, or are you (just) one of the entertainers?’

21/65….(Ibrahim) said: ‘Then do you worship apart from Allah these (idols) which can neither bring you any benefit, nor do you any harm? Fie on you and (also) on these (idols) that you worship apart from Allah! Do you not then have sense?’

6/80… …‘Do you dispute with me about Allah, Who has in fact guided me aright? And I fear not these (false gods)….

6/81…. My Lord has encompassed everything with (His) knowledge. So, do you not accept admonition?

6/82……..And how should I fear these (false gods) that you associate as partners (with Allah) whilst you do not fear that you have set up (idols as) peers to Allah (whereas) He has not sent down to you any authority (to associate? Now reply yourselves:)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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