People-Neymat And Mohabbat

people, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Share and care about neymat/gifts of Allah.

Shukr increases reward/respect/wealth/health/status etc etc (must be to please Allah)

Shukr =people of neymat/gifts.

Sabr =people of mohabbat/love.

Sabr =when you are capable but still leave for the sake of Allah’s pleasure (learn from imam hussain(as))

More the sabr more attached with Allah and decrease sabr decrease attachment with Allah

People of neymat

1.shukr when rewarded

2.sabr when not rewarded

Awliya Allah

1.when gifted ,they distribute it

2.when not gifted ,they show shukr because there is no hisaab on the day of judgement.

Halaal –hisaab /accountable on the day of qiyamah

Haraam-azab/punishment on the day of qiyamah

Love /hatred for Allah’s sake =high reward+ raza/pleasure of Allah

Easy availability =decreases status  and difficulty in availability =increases esteem status/respect.

More problems(tested not more than your capabilities) = more rewards (In love ,no complaints) .

Zuhd =gives respect and happiness (no duniya in your heart)

Qurb e elahi (gaining nearness of Allah )removes ahkirat( saza/jaza- reward/punishment)

Increases qurbiat/nearness of Allah= fulfilling rights of Allah and his creation (shariah with steadfastness).

Rejection of sharia =kufr/disbelief .

Lovers of jannat/heaven =don’t like duniya  and lovers of Allah =don’t like jannat/heaven

Love =loving zaat e elahi(Allah) not jaza/saza (reward/punishment)

Forgetfully eating something during fasting doesnot invalidate/break the fast so how can eating of adam(as) be considered as sin? Adam(as) was not disobedient .(shaitan whispered taking promise on Allah that you will gain ever nearness eating the fruit) out of love for gaining nearness/qurb of Allah he ate the forbidden was just an omission not a sin.adam(as) was at the station of love. huzoori/presence in front of Allah is is with zaat not with siffat/favours your on earth/skies.

Forbidden tree/fruit =tajaliat e anwar e elahi (full of siffati tajalliat) meaning if you go near the tree your face will be diverted away from the face of Allah ( zaat e elahi) and you will concentrate on siffat e elahi (attributes of Allah)

Prophet’s ﷺ  EYES get cooled with ummah offering salaah and prophetﷺ  HEART get cooled by raising voice against those who try to bring down the status of risalat.

love is different with respect to different status for ex- Sinner,muttaqi,muqlasin,muhibben, mukrabeen,ashiqeen,awliya,ambiya .

Allah’s love and prophet’s love =1

ishq=not dependent on result  and  intellect =depent on result

Sabr + shukr +nafil (salaat,azkar,ahwal,mujahadat,ahklaq,mamulat)=mushahida e tajaaliat (unveiling /mushahida is experience cannot be explained)

sabr (if not rewarded) and shukr (if rewarded).

Sufi sabr =if rewarded give it to others.

Sufi shukr =if not rewarded , thanking Allah because of accountability on qiyamah.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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