Nafs And Heart-Death

Nafs And Heart, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Help= removing someone from that particular difficulty

For eg- giving food to hungry person (not wealth)

Same way helping kaafir to become a muslim and muslim to become a momin and momin to become a mohsin.

Fakir/dervish = whose body is subjected to spiritual exercise .

Dog =Nafs (islah/tuning e nafs)

Death = Nafs dies with zillath(defamation)

Body (boat) =miskeen/bodily needs (boarded by heart ,nafs and murshid/ahk le noorani)

The spiritual guide/Murshid e qudsi broke the boat(body ) with riguorous spiritual exrecises.Nafs e amara is weaken with spiritual exercises.

Heart —Ruh and nafs are fighting to control heart .if ruh takes up the position on heart .nafs also takes up the features of ruh.if nafs occupies heart –heart becomes dark because of carnal desires .every day heart flactuate between duniya and ahkirat(till last day of our breath .

Spiritual exercise/zikr = breath holds our life .subject this breath towards spirituality by doing breathly zikr  1.‘Allah’ when breathing in and ‘hu’ when breathing out  2. ‘la ila ha’ when breathing in and ‘illa-Allah’ when breathing out 3.‘allahu’ when breathing in and ‘allah’ breathing out.leaving hu  inside you.

Hold on to heart by muraqaba/mushahida(spiritual exercise)

Tempted heart =idol house

Stable heart =kaaba

Noorani/light filled heart =arsh e maula(throne)

Heart of a momin = arsh(throne)

Reputation/izzat of a momin is greater than kaaba.

Humans are allah’s secreat and allah is our secreat.

For ex- in photography, though the reel of the camera is inside but it captures the object just by a click/light  .same way heart captures the beloved by light .

Islah e nafs = when ruh becomes strong , kafiyat of ruh is printed on heart and kafiyat of heart is printed on nafs

Mard e momin= noor enlighteneing  others with his noor (single candle giving light to other candles)

Masjid = gives noor to those who visit it .

Mazar/grave = gives blessings/faiz to others .

Awliya allah /friends of allah = people of tamkeen (stable heart)

takween/unstable  heart  to tamkeen/stable heart

Sibghatullah /colour of allah  = colour of love/ishq , light/noor and reality/haqq(on the heart).

Noor/light of allah- decends on those hearts which are free of duniya

Jism(body)-nafs(ego/I)-qalb(heart)-akh le qudsi(intelligence/marifat)-ruh(amr/command of allah)-sirr(secreat)-sirr us sirr(secreats of secreats)-khafi – akhfa(khafi us khafi)

Cave- ruh/soul held inside the body

Ruh/soul –qalb/heart –aql/intelligence –sirr/secreat -sirr us sirr/secreat of secreat – khafi-ahkfa = 7+1 (nafs)

Sleep= it is gaflat .if there is no gaflat then ruh will never be with body because ruh is from alaam e arwah (it has marifat/knowing of allah).ruh has qurbiat /nearness of allah.ruh loves huzoori /constantly in obediance.ruh has seen eternal delights .ruh is noor/light.ruh is arshi(heavenly) not farshi(ground).ruh spiritual creation of allah enclosed in  a cave/body .

Shaitan =open enemy of mankind .

Nafs e ammara= commander of shaitans army.

Hizbus/party of shaitan= idols ,kuffar etc etc

Hizbulloh/party of allah = awliya allah ,angels etc etc 

Guidance /Hijrat = moving from bodily needs to ruhani/spiritual needs.

Nafs e ammara brought down the status of insan/human  by caging human with filthy/carnal  desires of this world

Start with tauba ,moving away from amterialistic world

Sins are removed by repentance and disobedience is removed by self discipline(opposing nafs).

your worst enemy is your nafs (lower self)- it can be controlled by discipline.

If only the ‘I’ (thought of the self) goes, you can enter paradise.

limbs (actions) are the reflection of his heart. tongue must be moist with remembrance of Allah. Practice increases the obedience to Allah. Be in the world as a stranger but don’t keep dunya/world in your heart

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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