Marifat-Allah’s Knowledge

Marifat, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Everything is in Allah’s knowledge so creator cannot be creation and creation cannot be creator and also creation cannot exist without creator.

Allah fulfills needs of the entire creation by his attributes  and wealth,from inception  and sustain it through out.

Allah is identified by his qualities in action in the universe(to fulfill the needs of the creation).

Allah is the originator of all actions of his creation.

Everything should be his property.

Hikmat/Wisdom means to say the truth.

No one is ilah (worthy of worship and fullfiller of needs) except Allah.

Allah has in himself qualities of  hayath/life,ilm/knowledge,irada/intention,qudrath/power to control the destiny(destiny of all his creation is under his control),basarath/vision,samaath/power of hearing,kalaam /power of speech (with out any defect or end).these qualities are with him and he wished to see himself  with all his qualities in his creation which he has in his ilm/knowledge.thus he created the creation.

Whole creation is in Allah’s knowledge and Allah recognizes it other than him.

For example =imagine a lion in your need a pen/paper or some matter which can make a form of Allah doesnot depend on anything for anything.


1. by the reflection of his power of self existence brings everything out to be seen existing

2.and then by the reflection of the power of his personal qualities sustains it throughout   

 3. by the reflection of his quality of power,creation is seen in action as they are in Allah’s knowledge.

4.Allah annexes part of his wealth to each of his creation as trust these gifts everything is seen to be existing

6.seen existing only by the reflection of Allah’s powers which is nothing but Allah himself with object at the same time the object and Allah are 2 entities(Allah is one worthy of worship and the creation for his worship).

7.creation cannot exist without Allah and they are inseparable.

Allah is the same before creation and after the creation came into existence.

Creation which was only an imaginary thing in Allah’s knowledge, is seen out as existing.

1.This is with the power of reflection of Allah’s self existing capacity and

2.his wealth everything seems to exist within Allah’s existing power and actions with the power of reflection of Allah’s qualities.


Nothing can exist without Allah and at the same time nothing of this is Allah.

whole creation is in Allah’s knowledge and is other than Allah

sustains the creation with the power of his qualities.

If the veil of the object is lifted it is only Allah,who is omni-present and who fulfills all the needs of his creation –so he is  worthy of worship.

This is the knowledge that prophet of Allah was given to ,for the ummah  who really want to attain Allah.

You look at the creation you see Allah’s beauty as it is a mazhar/address of Allah.

Allah says that he is nearer  to your jugular veins and that is with you-encircling every object.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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