
Marifat, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Who is Allah-the lord?

No one in the alam e shahadat/ghaib/barzack is self existing and creator of all the creation with the qualities of hayath,ilm,iradah,qudrath,basarath,samaath,kalaam which are complete and without any defect or end and with all the power to originate all actions of the creation and with all wealth of the universe to be ilah to fulfill the needs of the creation-except Allah.

If you try to share above qualities of Allah in part  or full or like it becomes shirk,which becomes zulm e azeem –the greatest sin.

The Man/abid/worshipper

One who bows before the lord/mabood (entire creation does his tasbeeh)

Man is supreme because gifted with intellect,accepted the trust and oppointed as Allah’s khalifa on earth.

Whole creation has been  made for the man and man is made for knowing Allah through them  and attain Allah with the help of extra gifts given to him.

All the qualities of Allah  seen in us are reflection of his qualities.

Man exists with the reflection of Allah’s wajood-self existing power(man has no self existing power).

Man is alive/conscious of himself with the reflection of hayath of Allah (not conscious of himself/dead)

Man posses knowledge with the reflection of knowledge of Allah(illiterate without any knowledge)

Man intends with the reflection of quality of intention of Allah(he has no power of intention)

Man is able to go in for action with reflection of power of Allah(he is powerless)

Man sees with the reflection of power of vision of Allah(he is blind)

Man hears from the reflection of power of hearing  of Allah(he is deaf)

Man speaks from the reflection of power of speech of Allah(he is dumb)

Man is on movements and actions with the reflections of all powerful  originator of actions of Allah(he is helpless).

Man’s needs are fulfilled by Allah-the only owner of universe (he is needy)

Above all the power  to use this reflections of qualities which is the trust which Allah has given to mankind if he uses this in the way of tauheed and shariat/law he attains the almighty (and is perfect in his duty  as khalifa)

From where  the reflections come from

1.he is so near ,that he hears a needy the very moment he asks for help

2.he is nearer than your jugular vein

3.he is around every object

4.he is with you (with respect to siffaat and wujood not zaat)

5.if  you are 3 he is the 4th :if you are 5 he is the 6th

So he is in you and every body and so near to put on his  reflections of qualities.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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