
Marifat, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


What is good and bad which is from Allah?

Allah has created the man and his actions.

Allah differentiates the two through shariath/law.

Man is bestowed with intellect to choose the good which Allah likes and leave the bad which Allah dislikes.

A good action means , an act which Allah approves and showers his blessings on the individual.the rest are all bad actions.

A good action is attributed to be from Allah and bad action is of that particular person from where it is commited.

A man before creation is in Allah’s knowledge-as a imaginary figure and is helpless.

Allah creates him and his good actions,which cannot come out in existence without Allah and hence it is from Allah .

In case of bad actions it is also created by Allah but here Allah reproduces the bad action as they are in Allah’s knowledge without changing it to good and hence the man has to own his actions which are bad.

By himself man cannot change his actions to good  and that is why the man’s originality is helpless.

(Man uses Allah’s given things like freewill ,intellect,senses etc  in a wrong/displeasing way)

It is only by Allah’s grace that good comes out.

Since bad is also brought out by Allah,if one acknowledges it as his own and goes for repentance to Allah,he is doubly blessed by Allah.

All actions are weighed by balance not counted.weight  in worship is only through abstention from shirk in all actions(check with respect to sharia).

Every action of every object in the universe is fulfilled from origin to finish by Allah alone.

Do not dishonor the trust.

Maloom=Every object has its own destiny by itself (fixed destiny in Allah’s knowledge).

Madoom=Allah brings objects to existence as they are with the power of reflection of his zaat/siffat/afaal/asaar

Objects exist with Allah(they don’t have self existing power)

Actions which are weighed less and even unacceptable by Allah.

1 KUFR – not accepting religion (punishable and goes to hell)

2. SHIRK-adding one to Allah as ilah (punishable and goes to hell)

adding one to Allah -qualities of Allah in action

adding one to Allah -in his siffath

adding one to Allah -in his milkiyath (wealth) lack of position and nearness of Allah .Allah may forgive this form of shirk because of lack of knowledge and ignorance and punishment.

3.NIFAQ-here one accept islam but not with heart only by tongue called munafiq and Allah condems them. Opp to iman and punishable with hell.

4.IRTIDAD-after accepting islam they go to other religion punishable if it is concerned to sharait –in other forms it will block the way to ascend.

5. BIDATH- actions/things which were not there during prophet (peace be upon him) period and practiced under false note that they were present at that time called bidat check if it is against the tenents of islam if not nothing wrong to follow if accordingly with sharaith .good bidat is called bidat e hasana and bad bidat is called bidat e sayee this should be avoided.

6. TAABUD–acts of ibadat belief and actions should be only accordingly with shariat and for Allah alone not for anybody else.

7. TAZEEM-mark of respect to parents /shaik/aulia Allah/elders either by kissing the hands and feet as respect is allaowed .pray to Allah to shower blessings on them /asking Allah to fulfill our needs for the sake of the saint/even asking aulia to recommend the same to Allah from our side is not against the tenets of islam.don’t do shirk and bidat here. They fall in bidat e hasna  it is matter of acknowledge of status of great aulia Allah (if not keep your mouth shut) or else Allah will declare war with the person who attacks wali alive or dead.

8. NAZAR AND MANNAT -means that in return of your fulfillment you do something in cash/prayer/fasting etc only for Allah’s sake .the profits to reach to concerned saint/wali.

9.SAMAKHANI-anything in praise of Allah/prophet /religion in orderly basis is allowed under the guidance of sheik with out any ugly couplets.


Those who trust amal(I/MYSELF/NAFS/DEEDS)=loser’s(amal/deeds doesn’t take you to jannah,its Allah’s fazal/grace)

Those who trust duniya =open loser (pleasing duniya causes loss of ahkirat)

People trusting fazal/grace of Allah= winners in form of jannah (fazal is neymat and neymat is a veil) .jannat waste without deedar of Allah

People trusting Allah alone (zaat e elahi)= winners in form of qurb/raza/mahaboobiat +deedar e elahi(sight on Allah) (kamil/perfect)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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