
Shaitan, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Treat satan/shaitan as your enemy .shaitan will mainly attack 1. haya/modesty 2. command evil/bad deeds (through parallel thoughts/waswasas) 3 against religious matters (2/168)

Allah does not like mischief and violence. Enter Islam perfectly and wholly, and do not follow in the footsteps of Satan. He is certainly your declared enemy. 2/204

Satan makes you afraid of poverty (to stop you from spending in the way of Allah) and enjoins you to commit indecency.2/268

People who supporters of  idols and satan ,allah’s curse is on them .4/51

Satan only desires to lead you far astray.4/60

Believers(hezbullah-party of allah) must fight for restoration of peace and elimination of oppression and exploitation .Believers fight against satan’s allies (hezbus shaitan-party of satan -the enemies of mankind).4/76

Kuffar worship false gods ( nothing but worshiping satan). Allah’s curse/lanat is on kafir jinns/shaitans (iblis and co) .kafir jinns are expert in deception/false promises/parallel thoughts .iblis and co are open enemies . 4/117

Wine and gambling and idols mounted (for worship) and divining arrows (for seeking luck—all) are filthy works of Satan.5/90

Satan has made the actions of these (disbelievers) appear attractive.4/48

Satan says I had no authority over you (in the world) except that I called you (towards falsehood), so you accepted my call (for your own interest). 14/22

We have ensured the protection of this (system of heavenly universe) from every outcast satan (i.e., from the destructive phenomenon of every rebellious force). 15/17

All the messengers brought tauheed (worship allah and be away from taghut(satan and idol worship) 16/35

Satan made their (evil) deeds look attractive and pleasing to them(kuffar) 16/63

balance your words when you speak .satan causes contention amongst people and he is indeed declared enemy 17/53

Satan easily catches up with kuffar and satan is a weak force opposite to muslims.19/83

The Jinnaat

The plural of Jinn is Jinnaat. Jinnaat are the creation of Allah Ta’ala made from fire.They are given the power to take whatever shape or form they wish.The mischievous and evil one’s are called “Shaitaan”.They are like human beings having wisdom and understanding.They have a soul and a bodily form.There are male and female Jinnaat.Jinnaat eat, drink and sleep.They also have children.Jinnaat are invisible creation of Allah Ta’ala.Among the Jinnaat there are Muslims, Mu min (Believers) and Kaafirs (Disbelievers).Jinn and human were created for the worship of Allah Ta’ala.

Some people who dispute about Allah without any knowledge and understanding and follow every disobedient Satan(he will lead them astray) 22/3

Say, (praying): ‘O my Lord, I seek Your shelter from the promptings of the satans. 23/97

Foot steps of satan=commands immorality (dress/words/sex) and sinful deeds 24/21

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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