Shaitan-Black Magic

Shaitan, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Shaitan(kafir jinn) puts waswasa/whispering (affecting thoughts and feelings in form of doubts,suspicion,sceptism) and his aim is to take maximum humans to hell.

Rejection and repulsion of such thoughts(don’t act/speak about it) is a clear sign of true faith.

Always wrong is from nafs/lower self

Always right /good from Allah.

Always whisper/waswasa/parallel thoughts from shaitan

Allah out of his mercy warned humans against shaitan.

Shaitan wants you to disbelief ,commit sins,stopping from good deeds/acts of obedience,causing enemity/hatred,with dreams psychological distress,distraction ,occupying homes  and food if Allah is not remembered, at the time of death to snatch iman  etc etc

Always say tawooz ,bismillah ,la hawla,zikrullah,wadhu, dua etc etc (best iman =Allah is with you with respect to wujood and siffats not zaat)

Believers (complete with knowledge ,belief and actions)=show loyality(protection/support) .

Muslims (mix of good/obedience  and evil/disobedience)=loyality and devotion for their good and a degree of enemity to an extent of their wrongdoing.

Disbelievers /kuffar=dissociation (association as per requirement)

Evil becomes widespread ,committed openly,people become quiet,desensitized andconfused,what is evil becomes good and what is good becomes evil.


1.Inspiration and guidance from Allah(sincerity in heart and actions)

2.Assistance from angels (one companion among the angels )

3.Misguidance from shaitan and co (one companion among thejinn)

4.Desires of the soul itself (desires and doubts are barriers for purification)

SLAVE OF DESIRES = if he attains it ,he is pleased and if he is unable to attain it  ,he becomes discontent.

Doubts =destroy existing knowledge and beliefs (because of ignorance).

Slavery/servitude =conditions of the heart.

Truth is tranquility and falsehood is doubt.

BLACK MAGIC (bewitch,charm,enchant or infatuate )

Evil/form of shrik ,punishable with death penalty.

Seeking assistance from kafir jinns,pleasing them and seeking assist from them

Attempting to control others emotions/thoughts and life events.

Caused by  incantation (spoken/written),sorcery,witchcraft and divination,blowing on knots (evil spells )

During ending of night- beginning of day(double nature).

An illusion ,it is the sight that is deceived  and not the actual substance(takes many forms).

Main purpose is to produce fear and apprehension .

Results from the influence of jinn.

It’s a tribulation/test which leads to disbelief if practiced and always has evil end.


Envious glance by envious person/jinn

Envy =removal/taking away  of particular blessing(stopping from benefit /envier wants to possess it).

Want a Particular blessing without being taken away from that person ,is OK its not envy.

Envy=wish to get what one does not have.

Jealousy =strong desire to keep what one has and not to share it with others.

Treatment=tawooz,qul falaq and qul naas,ayat al kursi,be in wudhu

Ruqya=using quranic verses or supplications .


Symptoms =mood shifts,voice change,meaningless speech,fits,strong reaction to quranic recitation/prayer call/ water over which quran has been read is drunk.

Jinn usually touch humans to lead them astray(slowly and steadily) for 1.sensual desires/love 3.wrong done to them.4.for committing shirk (people with weak iman)

SHAITAN’S TRICKS (expelled from Allah’s mercy)

1.putting waswasa make sinning attractive/appealing.

3.false appearing truth and truth appearing false

4.presenting himself as sincere adviser.

5.promotes shortcoming/negligence or overzealousness/exaggeration.

6. pride, anger,greediness,miserliness,doubts,vanity,despair ,fear etc etc

7.focusing on what the person loves/desires

8. forgetfulness (forgetting zikr)

9.wants to keep you away from Allah’s mercy.

10.promotes discord between husband and wife.


Ruqyah from quran and ahadith (true healing  rest are all eye wash, tricks from jinns)

Have an accurate diagnosis because the type of verses/supplication read depends upon the particular cause of the disease.(for ex-magic,envy,evil eye,possession etc)

Combination of ruqyah +medical treatment.

When  belief is correct and strong,ruqyah will work fast by the grace and will of Allah.

Experienced religious person(piety/taqwa),the more effective ruqyah likely to be.

Shaitan doesnot showoff in front of Peole of iqlas .

Best if individuals can do it by themselves.

Application of water mixed with paper on which quranic verses had been written.

In the name of Allah ,we are slaves of Allah.get out ,enemy of Allah (blowing 3 times inside the affected person’s mouth)

Asking through Allah’s names, praising Allah,reading quran regularly, Using waseela of anbiya/aulia in your dua(they do dua for us).

Obeying him and doing actions that are pleasing to Allah.

False actions /beliefs bring temporary relief but actually harming your spirituality.

Action must be for the sake of Allah and following sunnah.

Sole purpose of ibadah is to serve as acts of submission and for praise and glorification of Allah.

Happiness to the slave is the secondary function of ibadah.

Waseela=names /attributes of Allah, righteous actions ,supplications of righteous person.

Asking to replace grief/distress with joy.

Following sunnah in daily practices and supplications .

Deep knowledge /faith .

Keep reciting darood o salaam and astaqfar.

Tasawuf helps in purification process.

Reciting Tawooz, la hawla ,3rd and 4th kalmia,qul falaq and qul naas, ayat al kursi,being in wudhu

With worldly pleasures heart will not acquire serenity/transquility.heart needs its lord for achieving serenity/transquility because of intrinsic connection of heart with Allah(ibadah and toubah).

Understanding the temporal reality of this world.

Focusing on hereafter.

Recalling the purpose and effects of distress and afflictions.

Trusting and relying upon Allah.

Focusing on the blessings of Allah.

Sole purpose of ibadah is to serve as acts of submission and for praise and glorification of Allah.

Happiness(mental health/serenity) to the slave is the secondary function of ibadah.

Connection with Allah provides nourishment to soul .

Nourished soul provides good thoughts, feelings, behavior, protection from the sin and from effects of shaitan.

Dua/supplicationis (come from heart with good intention)beneficial for  both protection and healing.

Zikrullah has a calming effect on the body,mind and soul.

Desires/doubts (illnesses of heart )are subdued by recitation of quran(zikrullah).

Zakat/charity =purification of wealth n soul.

Spiritual diseases are caused because of lack of hope and fear of Allah( worldly love).

Anything done for the sake of Allah brings closeness to Allah.

Anything done for pleasing the nafs will not get rewarded(deed gets wasted)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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