Hajj-Umrah Makkahh

Hajj, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Every Muslim who has an ability to reach Allah’s house, has to perform Umrah as Sunnat-e- mauqida. As Allah says:“Peform Umrah and Hajj for the conciliation of Allah.”

There are two Faraidh (Obligations) and two Wajib (Must-dos) in Umrah.

FARAIDH (Obligations) of Umrah

• To wear Ehram on Miqat location or before Miqat location and to intend for Umrah and to start reciting Talbiah.• To do Tawaf (circular movements around Allah’s House) after reaching Makkah Mukaramah.

WAJIB (must-dos) of Umrah• To do Sayee (take rounds between the mounts) of Safa and Marwa.• After Sayee, shave or cut the hair.


INTENTION/niyyat—- is to please allah alone  (not for any showoff to the people).

IHRAM —- clean your body from unnecessary hair and nails. take a bath and if body is clean already then do ablution. Give Something in Charity/sadaqa.wear with the intention of umrah, keep you right shoulder open during tawaaf,no stitched cloth, don’t cut/play with your hair, no perfume, offer 2 rakat nafil prayer with the intention of umrah then read following:Labaik allahumma labaik,labaik la sharikalak labaik,innal hamd wan naymata lakaval mulk ,la sharikalak    ……...After wearing ehram and continually reciting Talbiyah till your reach makkah shariff

EVERYTIME WHEN YOU VISIT A MASJID —- keeping in your right foot first while reciting the following prayer: bismilaahi was salaatu was salaamu alaa rasoolillah –rabbigfirlee zunoobi waftah li abwaaba rahmateka.make niyyat of iteqaf in the masjid.

when stepping out of the mosque- bismilaahi was salaatu was salaamu alaa rasoolillah-allahumma inee asaluka min fazlika

As soon as you see BAIT UL ALLAH (HOUSE OF ALLAH), recite the following prayer for three times: allahu akbar allahu akbar la illaha illalahu wallahu akbar wa illahil hamd. Pray for the success in this  world and also in ahkirat (as this is the time of prayers’ acceptance) like rabbanna atina fid duniya hasnautau fil akhirati hasnautau wa qina azaban naar or radiyatau billahi rabbau bill islami deenau bi mohammadin (saws) nabiau wa rasoolan.

1.METHOD OF TAWAF (CIRCULAR MOVEMENT) — come to Hajr Aswad (Black Stone) at the opposite of which, a green light is fitted. make intention of the tawaaf  and pray, “O’Allah accept it from me.” show your right arm and cover your  left shoulder.

DUA NEAR HAJR E ASWAD —-bismillahi alaahu akbar wa lilahil hamd (from distance raise your hands till shoulders and kiss your palms directing towards Hajr Aswad )

DUA FOR TAWAF —-rabbanna atina fid duniya hasnautau fil akhirati hasnautau wa qina azaban naar wadaqil nal jannat ma al abrar ya aziziu ya ghafaru ya rabbil alamin.(any zikrullah)  Don’t touch kaaba in ihram . In first three rounds, men will do Ramal (Ramal means to walk with broad chest) Other 4 rounds should be with shoulders down.

go near “MAQAM E IBRAHIM”—offer two rakat nafal .( Surah Kafiroon and Surah Ikhlas after surah fatiha in 1st and 2nd rakah).

ZAM ZAM directing Qibla drink Zam Zam in three intervals after reading Bis Millah. Dua for drinking zam zam —allahumma inni asaluka ilmun nafiyan wa raizqan wasiyaun wa shifa min kulli da-in. Intention while drinking zam zam — quenching the thirst of the day of Qiyaamah , of Shifaa (cure) from spiritual and physical ailments, of being granted the Taufeeque of conforming to the Sunnah of our beloved Rasulullah(saws)


DO THE INTENTION OF SAYEE –what ever you do ibadah say ‘o’ allah its for your raza/pleasure.

DUA AT SAFA AND MARWA MOUNTAIN —(facing khana e kaaba) inna safa wal marwata min shairilaallah. Say – Allah o Akbar ( 3 times) and pray —-la illaha illallahu wahadahu lasharikalahu lahul mulku wa lahulhamdu wa huwa ala kulli shain qadir (4th kalma).keep reading while walking between safa and marwa.

DUA AT THE GREEN LIGHT (while running)—- rabbi agfrili warham wa antal azizul akram.

3.THIRD STEP OF UMRAH (Halaq/Qasr)—-To shave hair of head or Qasr (trim) means to clip at least one inch of each hair. the restrictions of ehram are finished and Umrah is completed.

NAFIL TAWAAF —–keep on performing nafali tawaf. after doing estalam of Hajr Aswad make seven circular movements (Tawaf) of Khana Ka’aba and do estalam in every round. two rakat nafal near Maqam Ibrahim, and prayers after drinking ZamZam.

TAWAF E WIDA— it is wajib (must-do) on you to perform last tawaf, which is called “Tawaf-e-Wida.” It will be performed in the simple way like nafali tawaf.

WHAT TO DO IN MAKKAH  —-kalima-e-tayibah, astagfar ,tawaaf, drinking zam zam, umrah , 5times regular prayer and tahjud , dua,do lot of essale sawaab for both living and dead ,perform salatul taubah ,salatul masjid,salatul wazu. Salatul shukriya (Read Surah Al Kafiroon after Surah Fatiha in first rakat and surah Ikhlas after Surah Fatiha in second rakat). .give lot of charity ,keep watching kaaba,complete 1 quran,form niyyat of itiqaf when you enter masjid.convey the sawaab of your ibadah to rasoolallah(saws) and from his wasila to all muslim men and women (living and dead both) .darood o salam.be in wazu always. Don’t spit , raise your voice, fight, push others, argue with others , show off etc. show patiency. Try to pray near multazim . Be extremely careful that you do not miss any prayer of jamat (group) . don’t speak loudly.respect people of makkah and medina.

ZIYARAT MAKKAH MUKARAMAH —– Place of Birth of Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) →Dara Arqam → Bait-ul-Khadijah → Bait Abu Bakar Sadeeq (R.A) →Masjid Nimra →Masjid Jinn → Masjid Ayesha (R.A) →Masjid Tawa → Jabl-o- Noor, Ghar-e-Hira → Jabal Thour and Ghar Thour → Jabal Rehmat → Jannat al Maula →  kalmia tayib ,astaqfar, darood o salam and dua at holy places.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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