
Hajj, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


There are three faraidh (Obligations) and six Wajibat (must dos) of Hajj.

Faraidh (Obligations) of Hajj–• To wear Ehram and start reciting Talbiah (Labaik Allah Huma Labaik…)after intending for Hajj.• Stay in Arafat to stop in Arafat even for a short while anytime during9th of zillhajj after sunset till sun rise on 10th zillhajj.• Tawaf of Khana Kaba can be done from the morning of 10th zillhajj till the sunset of 12th zillhajj. To rest is necessary if done afterwards.If missed any of the three above mentioned obligation then Hajj will not be performed. One cannot compensate for this even by paying Dam (sacrifice goat or a sheep within the boundaries of Makkah).

Wajibat (Must Dos) of Hajj–• To stay in Muzdalifah anytime between morning and sunset on 10th zillhajj.• To perform Rami of Jumrat on 10, 11 and 12 zillhaj.• To sacrifice, those who are performing Hajj Qiran and Hajj Tamattu.• To perform halq/qasr.• To do sayee on Safa and Marwa.• To do Tawaf-e-Wida (last tawaf or good bye tawaf) of khana kaba before returning to your homeland.If any of these responsibilities missed either intentionally or unintentionally, hajj will be performed but missing of wajibat will be punished.

Kinds of Hajj–There are three kinds of hajj.• Hajj Ifrad• Hajj Qiran• Hajj Tamattu

Hajj Ifrad–Hajj Ifrad means that after starting the months of Hajj such as after starting Shawwal, a man wears Ehram with the only intention of hajj and do not intend for Umrah during these months. Do Tawaf (circular movement of Khana Ka’aba) after reaching Makkah Mukaramah which iscalled “Tawaf-e-Qadoom”, and this tawaf is sunnat. Remain in Makkah Mukaramah in the same Ehram and put off ehram after shaving hair of head on 10th zillhajj. The restrictions which were imposed on him because of Ehram will be finished after putting Ehram off. This is called Hajj Ifrad. Umrah is not included in it neither one intends for Umrah. However, nafali tawaf can be done.

Hajj Qiran–Hajj Qiran is one in which person intends for both Umrah and Hajj in thesame Ehram. The person who wears Ehram for Hajj Qiran must do Umrahafter reaching Makkah Mukaramah but the person will fulfill only twoobligations of Umrah, i.e., make a circular movement (Tawaf), and Sayee ofSafa and Marwa but will not shave the hair of head. His Umrah will becompleted after completing first two obligations. However, he will remain inehram and will be bound to follow all the restrictions of ehram. He will keepon wearing ehram till the completion of Hajj. He will perform hajj with thesame ehram. On 10th of Zil hajj he will put off ehram after cutting hair or

shaving the hair of head.

Hajj Tamattu–This kind is the easiest of all kinds. People from subcontinent generally performHajj Tamattu. It means that after starting the months of Hajj beforemoving to hajj one should wear ehram with the intention of Umrah onlyand not for Hajj. Perform Umrah after reaching Makkah Mukaramah in thesame ehram and perform all the duties of Umrah such as, Tawaf of Houseof Allah, Sayee of Safa Marwa, and to cut or shave hair of head. The Umbrais completed after performing these three duties after which restrictions ofihram are ended and one should live in Makah Mukaramah without ehram.On 8th Zil hajj one wears the ehram of Hajj and move to Mina, on 9th zil hajjgo to Arafat, stay in Muzdalifah the whole night. Return back to Mina on10th of Zil hajj and hit pebbles to Jumra Kabira and then sacrifice. Put offehram after shaving hair of head.

The both above mentioned ways while combined known as Hajj Tamattu.

Note.. There is a facility in Hajj Tamattu because of short duration of ehram, that is why people generally perform Hajj Tamattu. However, Hajj Qiran is superior and our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) performed Hajj Qiran. But the duration of ehram is longer in this Hajj and in case of a mistake penalty (Kuffara) is double.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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