Hajj-11th Zil Hijja

Hajj, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

THE FOURTH DAY OF HAJJ (11th Zil Hajj) Only one task is left to do on this day and that is to hit pebbles to threesatans after sunset. If any person hits pebbles before sunset then thishitting will not be performed. It is must to hit pebbles after sunset. Firstly,to hit pebbles to smallest satan, then to middle satan, and finally to thebiggest satan. Hold every pebble in thumb and forefinger of right hand andread following prayer while hitting pebble: before sunset then this hittingwill not be performed. It is must to hit pebbles after sunset. Firstly, to hitpebbles to smallest satan, then to middle satan, and finally to the biggestsatan. Hold every pebble in thumb and forefinger of right hand and readfollowing prayer while hitting pebble: bismillahi allahu akbar walillahil hamd And hit pebble one by one in the root of pillar as a pebble should fall in thecistern that is built around the pillar and if any of the pebble falls outwardsthen it is not performed and has to be hit again.It is sunnat to pray to Allah while directing towards Bait-ul-Allah afterhitting seven pebbles to smallest satan and standing at some distance frompillar. Then go to the middle satan after praying and read following prayand hit seven pebbles one by one to middle satan: bismillahi allahu akbar walillahil hamd Now pray to Allah while directing towards Bait-ul-Allah. Now come to thebiggest satan and while reading the above pray hit it seven pebbles one byone but do not pray to Allah after hitting biggest satan. Instead, move toMina after hitting the biggest satan.Stay in Mina for a night and spend time in reciting Holy Quran,remembrance of Allah, pray to Allah for forgiveness, and in other prayers.

THE FIFTH DAY OF HAJJ (12th Zil Hajj) The next day, which is on 12th zil hajj, you have to do the same work.After sunset hit seven pebbles to smallest satan and pray, then hit sevenpebbles to middle satan and pray, and finally hit seven pebbles to biggestsatan but do not pray after hitting it.In this way, after hitting the three satans on 12th zil hajj you have a choicewhether to come out of Mina and return back to Makkah on your place ofstay. Now almost all Faraidh (obligations) and Wajibat (must-do) of hajj arecompleted. Only Alwidayi Tawaf (Good bye Tawaf) is left.

THE SIXTH DAY OF HAJJ (13th Zil Hajj) If any person remained in Mina after hitting pebbles on 12th zil hajj and dawn occurred there then it is wajib (must-do) on him to hit pebbles on 13th zil hajj as well.

TAWAF E WIDA.. After completing hajj when you have to depart from Makkah Mukarama, it is wajib (must-do) on you to perform last tawaf, which is called “Tawaf-e-Wida.” It is a wajib (must-do) but women can skip it because of menstruation. Those people, who have not gone to Madinah Munawara before Hajj Baitul-Allah, will go to Madinah. Those people, who have gone to Madinah Munawara before Hajj Bait-ul- Allah will return to their homelands. Hence, the day you have to leave Makkah Mukkarama, perform the last Tawaf, Tawaf-e-Wida. It will be performed in the simple way like nafali tawaf. Neither the sheets of ehram will be required, nor Istiba, nor Ramal, nor will be done sayee of Safa Marwa after this tawaf.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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