Dars e Ahadith-Fazilat Milad

Dars E Ahadith, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Fazilat/esteem status

“(A narration of Hadrat Abu Hurairah (ra) states] A shepard exclaimed, “I have not seen a day like this. A wolf speaks!” To which the wolf replied, “Stranger than this is a person (referring to Sayyiduna Rasoolullah living in an oasis (Madina Sharif) between two plains who gives you messages of the past and future.” Mishkaat, Baabul-Mu ‘jizaat

“[Hadrat Ibn Mas’ood (ra) narrates from the Holy Prophet (Concerning those people who prepare to make jihad with Dajjal,) verily I know their names, the names of their fathers and I recognize the colours of their horses. They are the best riders on the face of the earth.” Mishkeat, Kitaabul-Fitna, Baabul-Malaahim, Section I

Sayyidah Aisha (ra)ا once asked the Holy Prophet ﷺ ” Is there anyone whose good deeds are equal to the amount of stars?” He replied, “Yes, He is Umar (ra). Mishkaat, Baabu Manaaqibe-Abi Bakr (ra) wa Umar (ra).

A Tradition extracted from Bukhari found in Miskhaat, under the Chapter “Fazaa’il Syedul Mursaleen,” contains the following words of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ): “I have been sent from the best group of the children of Adam, from one group to the next, till I am in that group which I am.”The above Hadith substantiates that the Holy Prophet (ﷺ) has been carried along the best and most noble group. The revolution of his light (Noor) has always remained within clean and pure wombs. Whose womb can be considered as clean and pure, but that of a true Believer in One Almighty Allah!

Abu Nua’im writes in Dala’il al-Nabuwwa, with the chain of Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet ﷺ said,‘Allah continued to transfer me from the loins of the pure to the wombs of the pure, clean and mannered. No two groups have appeared except I was the best of the two.’

Imam Tirmidhi has recorded a Hadith which he classified as Hasan (Fair) as well as Imam Baihaqi from Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said,‘When Allah created me, He made me from the best of creations. Then when he created the tribes, he made me from the best of tribes. And when He created souls (nafs) He made me from the best of souls. Then when He created households, He made me from the best of households. Thus I am the best in terms of household, and the best in terms of souls.’
Imam Tabrani writes in Awsat and Imam Baihaqi in Dala’il, from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) that the Prophet
ﷺ said,‘Jibrael (peace be upon him) said to me, ‘I have searched the earth, the easts and the wests. And I did not find a man better than Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and I did not find a clan better than the clan of Bani Hashim.’

Imam Abd al-Razzaq wrote in al-Musannaf, from the chain of Ma’mar, from Ibn Juraij, from Ibn al-Mussaiyab; Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) said,‘The earth has continuously been occupied with at least seven Muslims or more. If this was not the case, the earth and its inhabitants would have perished.’

Ibn al-Munzir has mentioned in his exegesis with a sound chain, from Ibn Juraij in the commentary of the verse ‘O Allah! Make me[Ibrahim] an establisher of Prayer, and from my offspring’; he said, ‘there has remained from the offspring of Ibrahim to our Prophet people on Fitra who have worshipped Allah.
The Holy Prophet s (
ﷺ) uncle and an arch enemy of Islam, Abu Lahab, set his slave Thuwaiba free being happy for the Meelad of Rasoolullah (ﷺ). Abu Lahab’s punishment is made light every Monday as a reward of his act, i.e. of expressing happiness for the birth of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ). (Bukhari Shareef)

According to the Hadith of Hazrat Ibn Masood (radi Allahutala anhu), whichever deed is regarded as good by Muslims is good by Almighty Allah as well, and whichever deed is regarded as evil by Muslims is evil by Almighty Allah as well. Imam Ahmed (radi Allahutala anhu) has narrated this Hadith Shareef.

It is Sunnah to commemorate happiness. Rasoolullah (ﷺ) was asked about fasting on a Monday. He replied, “I was born on that day and Wahi (Revelation) began upon me on that day.” (Mishkat)

Hadrat Ibn Abbas (ra) states, “I once presented myself in the service of the Holy Prophet(ﷺ). Probably news had reached him of some people slandering his genealogy. He stood on the mimbar and asked, “Who am I?” Everybody present said, “You are the Messenger of Allah(swt)! He then said, “I am Muhammad(ﷺ), the son of Abdullah, son of Abdul-Muttalib! Allah(swt) created the creation and placed me amongst the most excellent of all. He then divided the best (humans) into two groups (Arabs and Non-Arabs) placed me amongst the best (i.e. the Arabs), then made the Arab nation into a few tribes and placed me amongst the best {i.e. the Quraish). Thereafter, He divided the Quraish into a few families and placed me amongst the best (i.e. the Banu Haashim).”Mishkaat, Vol. 2, Baabu Fadhaailis­Sayyidil-Mursaleen, Section 2

The Sahaaba used to visit and request each other to recite the Naath Sharif of the Prophet (ﷺ). This proves that Meelad Sharif is the Sunnah of the Sahaaba. Hadrat Ataa ibn Yesaar (ra), states, “I went to Abdullah ibn Arnr ibn A’as (ra)and requested him to recite the praise

(Naath) of the Holy Prophet(ﷺ) found in the Torah (Old Testament). He recited it for me.” ­Mishkaat, Baabu Fadhaailis-Sayyidil-Mursaleen, Section I

The Ahadith state, “When Abu Lahab died, some of his family members saw him in a dream in a very terrible state. They asked him what he experienced so far, and he replied, “After being separated from you, I did not receive any goodness. Yes, I receive water from this finger because I used it to free my slave, Thuwaiba.”Bukhari, Vol. 2, Kitaabun-Nikaah, Baabu Wa Ummahaatukum

Hadrat Hasan (ra) used to pen verses of Naath and poetry, censoring the Kuffaar through it, and used to come before the Holy Prophet(ﷺ) who would then offer the mimbar to him. He once stood on it and proceeded to recite the Naath Sharif, after which the Prophet (ﷺ) made the following dua for him, “O Allah(swt)! Help Hasan (ra), through Roohul_Quds.” Mishkaat, Vol. 2, Baabus-Sher.

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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