About Allah-Noor Light

About Allah, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Allah’s Light/Noor

Allah’s noor =iman (allah’s marifat) AND Likeness of allah’s light=muhammadan light.

Crystal globe=radiant heart of prophet (reflecting allah’s light as a glitering star)

People who wants haqq/truth will be guided by allah

Baseerat (eye of certitude/yaqin) is illuminated by noor e quds(alam e quds).

Enlightment =Risalat e muhammadi is noor which will ignite the islamic fitra to glow.

Fast enlightment=cleaner heart of momin because of purification of nafs and heart.

Fitrate insani=purification of nafs and heart

Noor e musthapha is spread all over, Spiritual noor and active everytime.

Prophethood is associated with uluviyat(fullfilling needs) — Uluviyat is from allah and creation distributes.

Light of kaifiyat/maqam/haal/pardah =depends on indiviual spiritual state

Human body= Shape of mishkat

Human chest =enclosure/taq

Human heart=glass covering

Lamp of prophethood is glowing universally not restricted to east/west. Blessings/faiz e mustapha is spread over entire creation of allah .

Misbah/lamp=heart of a momin/believer(Heart gives answer that allah is present)

Lightened by = noor e quds(alaam e quds)

Glass enclosure of heart=enlightned by noor e quds OR spiritual heart is enclosed in a heart enclosure (transparent heart illuminates the world).

Crystal globe=radiant heart of prophet (reflecting allah’s light as a glitering star)

Zaitun/olive oil of the lamp= blessed tree of the prophethood of muhammed (shajrah e nabuwat) OR islamic fitrah OR prophethood of muhammed (prophets loved olive oil)

Olive /Blessed tree=prophethood of muhammed OR genealogical tree of prophets and messengers OR divine revelation or communication fromrealm of divinity.

Light upon light(realm of divinity)=zaat  e musthapha OR light of prophethood upon light of holy essence OR islamic fitra+iman on risalat

ABDIAT/SLAVERY(Shawur e abdiat/being slave of Allah)

1.Husn e adab/obedience

2.Nafi e zaat/negation of self (Iam nothing, everthing is his)

3.Aiming raza/pleasure of Allah.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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