Quran-Lawh-e-Mahfudh (A Guarded Tablet)

Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Lawh-e-Mahfudh (a guarded tablet)

We have neglected nothing from the book?.

Allah (swt) is not talking of the Quran, but rather, He is referring to the Lawh-e-Mahfudh (a guarded tablet.) which is kept above the seven skies, in which knowledge of all times and things is mentioned. The Quran is taken from the Lawh-e-Mahfudh and revealed to the beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws).

(6/38,6/59) The book has knowledge of all things; a clear record in which each and every thing is mentioned- indeed it is the Lawh-e-Mahfudh.

(6/38) all the creatures of this earth are a nation like us. We have neglected nothing in the Book(Lawh-e-Mahfudh).

(54/52-53) every small and great thing is recorded in the record( Lawh-e-Mahfudh).

(56/75-81, 85/21-22) there is a book other than the Quran, a book hidden, the Lawh-e-Mahfudh-it does exist!

(6/59)The Lawh-e-Mahfudh, is a clear record of all things.the word, record has been used again, not the Quran, a book other than the Quran, The Lawh-e-Mahfudh.

 (20/49-52) When Pharaoh asked about the nations that went before them, Sayyidina Musa (as) answered by telling him it was in a Record with Allah Most Glorious. This record cannot be the Quran as it was not yet revealed, it can only be the Lawh-e-Mahfudh!

 (7/145,6/154)Regarding:We reveal the Scripture unto thee as an exposition of all things?(16/89)

Torah does not provide an explanation of all things because the Quran was then later revealed.The meaning of all things in the Torah meant all the guidance needed for the nation at the time. Knowledge of this degree has only been mentioned in the book which nothing has been neglected from  The Lawh-e-Mahfudh.

 (10/37, 12/111) the book is the Lawh-e-Mahfudh.

We firmly believe that the Quran is a book of much knowledge, a book of guidance, a book of light, a book revealed for us, a book which explains the laws of our life.

The Quran is taken from the Lawh-e-Mahfudh and revealed to the beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws).

(6/38)  Allah has laid the ultimate decrees in the Quran and has included all the laws in the Quran. details are found in ahadiths.

There is not a grain in the folds of the earth’s darkness, nor anything green or dry but (has been recorded) in the enlightening Book.6/59

Kitabun mubeen =quran (ilm e mufassal)

Quranic ilm =ilm e mufassal /detailed knowledge.

Lawhe mahfooz  =1.Alam e ghaib 2.Alam e shahadat(quran)

And surely, We have brought them such a Book (the Qur’an) that We have elucidated on (the basis of Our) knowledge, a guidance and a mercy for those who believe.7/52

IMAN E MUFASSAL (Comprehensive Faith): Aamantu bilLahi wa Malaikatihi wa Kutubihi wa Rusulihi wal Yawmul Akhirihi wal Qadri khairihi wa sharrihi minAllahi Ta’ala wal ba’sihi Ba’adal Mawt. I believe in ALlāh; and His Angels; and His Books; and His Messengers; and the Day of Judgment; and that of Fate, the good and the bad given by ALlāh Ta’ala; and the Life after Death.

Amal/deeds  are governed with justice/adl

Adl/justice is islam  and fazal is ihsan

Fazal= is not governed with law its wish of Allah

Islam =arkane islam /pillars of islam (amal/deeds) for example undestanding  kalima=tauhid+risalat

Iman =iman e mujamil +iman e mufassil (tenets of faith)

Ihsan =perfection/hal or kafiyat (stations)

And We have revealed to you that Glorious Book which is a clear exposition of everything and is guidance, mercy and glad tidings for the believers.16/89

Quranic =detailed knowledge (clear exposition of everything)

…..I swear by Allah indeed the Believer if he is argued against with the Qur’an he

[out of respect]

will loose [not continue the argument]…indeed the hypocrite, if he argues using the Qur’an, he will win [the argument because the Believer will not argue back] (Silsilah Ahadeeth as-Saheehah no. 3447)

Chapter: Taddabbur [Pondering] on the Deep Meanings of the Qur’an

Hasan al-Basri [one of the Tabi’een] said, “There was not revealed a [single] Ayat from the Qur’an except that it has a Dhahir [an apparent] and Batin [inner] and every letter has a value [measure] – and for every value is an ending.”(Baghawi, Sharh us Sunnah no. 1/214)

Abdullah ibn Masood, the Companion, said, “When you intend to acquire knowledge, deeply study the Qur’an for in it lies the [principles] of knowledge of the ancients and future generations.”(Ghazali, Kitab Adab Tilawat ul Qur’an)

Hasan ibn Ali said, “The people before you considered the Qur’an to be correspondence from their Lord, so they would ponder it by night and perform it by day.”(Nawawi, Tibyan fi Adab Hamalatul Qur’an)

Aishah said, “The Prophet spent the night [in prayer] with [a single verse] Ayah from the Qur’an.” (Tirmidhee no. 448)

Ibn Taymiyah said, “Whoever contemplates [tadabbur] upon the Qur’an [with the condition] of seeking guidance from it, [then] the path of truth will be made clear.”
(Aqeedah tul Wasityah)

Every ayat/hurf of quran is rich with knowledge/light/wisdom/guidance  .Common people can easily understand some of it and some can by understood by people of marifat/knowing. meanings are enormous as it’s a word of Allah. Quran keeps guiding future generation .each ayat has a Dhahir [an apparent] and Batin [inner] and every letter has a value [measure] – and for every value is an ending.

Quran is rewarding ,remembrance,light,wisdom,guidance ,way to jannah,way to qurb/nearness of Allah.

If you place quran(guidance) behind your back ,then your nearer to jahnanum/hell.

A Book whose signs are expounded in detail, the Qur’an, in the Arabic (language) for a people who possess knowledge and wisdom,41/3

And the (Holy) Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) will submit: ‘O Lord, surely my people had utterly abandoned this Qur’an.’25/30

How much you know that much you believe.

 When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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