Profit And Loss-Imams

Profit And Loss, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The Holy Prophetﷺhas the power of GivingBenefits/Loss

Sayyiduna Rasoolullah ﷺ has been blessed by Allah Ta’ala with the powers to give benefit or loss to anybody if he wishes.

Ubai ibn Ka’b (ra) narrates that I was once in the mosque when a man entered and began praying Salah. He recited a Qir’ah (recitation) which was unfamiliar to me. Then another man entered who recited in a way different to the first man. When I finished my Salah, we all went to the auspicious presence of Rasulullah ﷺand I asked, the recitation of the first man seemed strange to me and the recitation of the second man was different to the first man’s.Rasulullah ﷺasked them both to recite and thereafter praised them both.My heart then felt a rejection that I had not even felt in the days of ignorance. Rasulullah ﷺsaw the inner feelings of my heart and placed his blessed hand on my chest. I became drenched in sweat and my state became such that I am seeing Allah. Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.273

Imam Bayhaqi narrates from ibn ‘Umar (ra)ma that one day Rasulullah ﷺwas giving a khutba. A man was sitting behind Rasulullah ﷺand was mockingly imitating him. Rasulullah ﷺsaid to him, “Become like this”. The man then fainted and fell down. His relatives then carried him home and his health was the same until two months later when he finally recovered. After his recovery, his face was the same as when he used to mock Rasulullah ﷺ. al-Khasa’is al-Kubra, vol.2, p.79

Imam ‘Allama Sha’rani writes:“Rasulullah ﷺused the word “Kun” in the battle of Tabuk for two reasons: Firstly to show that it is allowed to do so and, secondly, to show that he had permission to perform miracles. Rasulullah ﷺsaid, “Become Abu Dhar”, so that person became Abu Dhar and he said to a branch from a date tree, “Become a sword”, so it became exactly that.” al-Yawaqit wa al-Jawahir, vol.1, p.147

Umm al-Mu’mineen Sayyida ‘Aisha Siddiqa (ra):“By Allah! I see that Allah fulfils the wishes of Rasulullah ﷺquickly”. Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.473

A long hadith in Sahih Muslim narrated by Anas bin Malik (ra) mentions that on the day of Judgement people will go to Adam, Ibrahim, Musa and ‘Isa ‘alaihimus salam and ask them to intercede to Allah for them. They will all reply that this is not their job. In the end, people will go to Rasulullah ﷺwho will say to them, “This intercession (shafa’ah) is my job”. Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.110


The Holy Prophet ﷺ is the Teacher of the Entire Creation

 “O our Lord, Send to them a Messenger from among themselves, so that he may recite to them Your signs and teach them Your book and wise knowledge and purify them well. Surely, You are Alone the Predominant, the Wise.” (2/129)

 “And Allah taught you that which you did not know and great is the grace of Allah upon you.” (4/113)

“And we have sent each Messenger in the language of His own people that He may tell them clearly.” (14/4) In connection with this verse, Hazrat Allama Sulaiman (ra) states: “And the Holy Prophet ﷺ used to converse with every nation their language.” (Tafseer Jaml)

 Sheikh Mohiyuddeen ibn Arabi (ra) said, “There is no person on this earth that have not acquired from the Holy Prophet ﷺ be it Ambiya or Awliyah, be he of this Shari’ah or of the past Shari’ah.”

Abu Darda’ said: “When the Messenger of Allah () left us, there was not a bird that flies in the sky but that he had given us some knowledge about it.” Recorded by Tabarani in his Mu’jam al-Kabir (2:155 #1647), Imam Ahmad (#20399),

This indicates his extensive knowledge of the Unseen given to him by Allah (Most High).

He also said, “Truly, I do not know anything except what my Lord told me.” See: Ibn Hajar’s Fath al-Bari (13:364)

Qadi ‘Iyad wrote a chapter in his Shifa’ called “The Prophet’s knowledge of the Unseen and future events.” In the beginning of it he wrote: “The hadiths on this subject are like a vast ocean whose depths cannot be plumbed and which does not cease to overflow. This is one aspect of his miracles that is definitely known. We have many hadiths which have reached us by multiple paths of transmission (tawatur) regarding his familiarity with the Unseen.”

Allah says about the Prophet ﷺ, “And he is not stingy of (his knowledge of) the Unseen” (Q81/24).

“My knowledge after my passing is (the same) as my knowledge during my life.”

Ibn Mandah in his Fawa’id (p. 82 #56), Daylami (see Kanz al-‘Ummal #2242). Suyuti in his Khasa’is (2:490)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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