Noor o Bashar-Man Like You Meaning

Noor O Bashar, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The Holy Prophet ﷺ is both Noor(light) and a Human being(unique and perfect)


“0 My Beloved ! Say: “I am a man like you.” 18/110 “Qul” has been said, meaning, “0 My Beloved ! You say“, So only the Prophet ﷺ allowed saying this statement based on humility and humbleness.

“I (Allah (swt)) shall say ” یاایھا المزمل, یا ایھا المدثرand describe your excellence.

“0 Kuffaar! Do not fear me , I am from your category i.e. I am a man. Rasoolullah said to us Muslims, “Who from amongst you is like me?”­Hadith Sharif.

The ayat does not end on ‘Mithlukum’ (‘Yuh aa ilayaa’ follows). the stipulation of revelation (wahi) explained a major difference between the Nabi and ummatis.

Claiming equality with him is like saying. “We are equal to Allah (swt) because we see and He sees, He is alive and so are we Just as how our existence has no connection to Allah’s (swt) existence, so too does our humanity has no correspondence to the Noble Messenger : being human.

“The likeness of the Rubb’s noor is like a niche on which there is a lamp. This ayah also includes the word ‘misl’ (likeness) can anybody say that the noor of Allah (swt) is like the brightness of a lamp?

Devil cannot even take up misaal or come in shape of the holy prophet then how can people say the holy prophet is like us . (mazallah).

Never did sahaba called the holy prophet as my frined /my brothet /my husband /my cousin etc every one called him ‘ya rasool allah /ya habib allah’ etc.

There is a major difference between him and us in everything.

His Kalima is “Anna Rasoolullah (I am the Messenger of Allah (swt)). If we have to say it, we would become Kaafirs.

The Imaan possessed by him is coupled with seeing in what he believes in. e.g. Allah (swt), Jannat, Jahannun, etc. but our Imaan is based on hearing about these things.

There are five pillars of Islam which are Fardh up/compulsary on us, but there are only four pillars obligatory on him. Zakaat wasn’t. – Shaami. Beginning of Kitaabuz ­Zakaat.

We are obliged to perform five daily Salaah, but there is a sixth Salaah (Tahajjud namaaz) Fardh upon our Beloved Prophet ­.17/79.

There is a restriction of four wives on us, but there is no such limitation on the Holy Prophet . He can marry above this as much as he wishes.

After our death, our wives can marry again, but the wives of the Prophet are the Mothers of all Muslims.” They cannot perform Nikah to anyone else.

Our estates are divided after our demise, but his estate is not.

Our urine is 100%  impure (naa-paak), but Rasoolullah’s excretions are pure (paak) for the Ummah. – Shaami, Baabul-Anjaas.

If he ﷺ , has to place his saliva in a brackish well, it turns it into sweet water. His saliva caused the dried-up well in Hudaibiyah to gush out water.

It increased the food in the pot of Hadrat Jaabir (ra) as and increased the dough it touched.

His saliva removed the venom of the snake-bite on the leg of Sayyiduna Siddique-Akbar (ra) joined the fractured bone of the leg of Hadrat Abdullah ibn Aleeq (ra) and removed the pain in the eye of’ Hadrat Ali (ra) at Khaibar

Our bodies have a shadow, but the Prophet’s didn’t.

His (sweat)perspiration had a fragrance more excellent than musk and ambar

Concerning Saume-Wisaal (continuous fasting without sehri or iftaar), the Prophet ﷺ himself asked. “Who from amongst you is like me?” He also said, “But I am not like you.”

Commentating on the ayat, کھعص Allama Ismail Haqqi (ra) writes that the Prophet ﷺ has three appearances: human (bashari), authentic (haqqi) and angelic (malaki). The first is spoken of by the ayat, “انما انا بشر” The second by the Hadith, “He who sees me has seen Haq”, and the third by the following, “Sometimes I have such close proximity to Allah (swt) that even the nearby angels and mursal Prophets are not accommodated in it.” – Tafseer Roohul-Bayaan

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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