
Milad, Shariath

” Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem “”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


The Permissibility of Celebrating Milad-un-Nabi

3/7….And direction and guidance is the share of only those who possess wisdom and insight.

And proclaim (well) the bounties of your Lord.93/11

Indeed, Allah conferred a great favour on the believers that He raised amongst them (the most eminent) Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) from amongst themselves…3/164

Say: ‘(All this) is due to the bounty and mercy of Allah (bestowed upon you through raising Muhammad [blessings and peace be upon him] as the exalted Messenger). So the Muslims should rejoice over it. This is far better than (all that affluence and wealth) that they amass.’ 10/58

3/81. And, (O Beloved, recall) when Allah took a firm covenant from the Prophets: ‘When I give you the Book and Wisdom, and then there comes to you the Messenger (who is exalted in glory above all and) who shall validate the Books you will have with you, you shall then, most certainly, believe in him and most surely help him.’ Allah said: ‘Do you affirm, and on this (condition) hold fast to My heavy covenant?’ All submitted: ‘We affirm.’ Allah said: ‘Bear witness then, and I am also with you amongst the witnesses.’

Allah(swt)  ordered Hadrat Musa(as), “Make the Bani Israel remember the day in which Allah(swt) descended His blessings on them.,,-Surah Ibrahim, Verse 5 This refers to the day Firaun drowned; the day Manna and Salwa descended, etc. – Khazaainul-Irfaan

(2/185, 97/1) When the Quran being revealed is the reason for Ramadaan and Lailatul-Qadr becoming distinguished, then through the birth of the Holy Quran Personified, Sayyiduna Rasoolul1ahﷺ, why cannot Rabbiul-Awwal and its 12th date be superior until the Day of Qiyaamat? (think about esteem status of sahibe quran/on whom quran was reavealed)

‘Isa, the son of Maryam (Jesus, the son of Mary) said: ‘O Allah, our Lord, send down to us from heaven the table spread (with bounties) so that (the day of its descent) becomes (‘Id) a festival day for us, and for our predecessors (as well as) successors, and that (spread table) comes as a sign from You, and provide us with sustenance, and You are the Best Sustainer.5/114

Hadrat Esa(as), “I give glad tidings of a prophet named Ahmad to come after me.,61/6

The coming of Sayyiduna Rasoolullahﷺ is the greatest blessing of Allah(swt).

11/120. And We are relating to you all the news of the Messengers whereby We strengthen your (most purified) heart.

Today I have perfected your Din (Religion) for you, and have completed My Blessing upon you, and have chosen for you Islam (as) Din (a complete code of life). ..5/3 (day of Friday and day of  arafat/mina)

And remember Allah’s favour upon you and the convenant which He made with you, when you said, “we heard and obeyed,” and fear Allah. Undoubtedly, Allah knows the thoughts in your hearts.5/7

(12/58,48/29) “Express much happiness and joy on the mercy and blessings of Allah(swt).” This means that expressing joy on the blessings of Allah(swt) is a Divine instruction.

As in the practices of Haj, the running between Safa and Marwa are legal in order to refresh the remembrance of pious people.

why the units of namaaz are different. Fajr has two, Zohr has four, etc. these Salaahs are the remembrance of the past Prophets.

The day of Hadrat Ismail’s (as) sacrifice became known as a day of Eid (showing that the day on which Allah’s(swt) mercy descended on His favoured servant becomes a day of mercy until Qiyaamat).

Friday (Jumaa) is eminent because it was on this day that previous Prophets attained Divine favours

Rasoolullah ﷺ said that anyone who invented a good deed and people later practiced upon it, they will be rewarded.

whichever deed is regarded as good by Muslims is good by Almighty Allah as well, and whichever deed is regarded as evil by Muslims is evil by Almighty Allah as well. (Ahmed)

Hadith states, “Whatever action or practice is deemed to be good by the Muslims is also recognized as good in the sight of Allah(swt).”

The Holy Quran states, “So that you, O Muslims, be witnesses,”

The Prophet ﷺ also states, “You are witnesses of Allah(swt) on earth.” Hadith Sharif

The Quran Sharif also chronicles the birth, infancy, nurturing, etc. of Hadrat Musa (as).

Rasoolullahﷺ is both the Mercy and Favour of Allah(swt). as happiness here is absolute (mutlaq). Every permissible happiness is included in it. Therefore, holding Melad Sharif, decorating the area where it will occur, etc. are all means of reward.

This is an accepted principle of Shari’ah that the performance of something is proof of Jawaaz (permissibility),and not doing it is NOT the proof of its prohibition.

It is Sunnah to commemorate happiness.

To mention the miracles and character of Rasoolullah ﷺ leads towards love and the completion of Iman with him, which is required by the Shari’ah.



“The Noble Messenger was asked about fasting on Monday. He explained, “I was born on that day and Revelation (of the Holy Quran) began on it as well.” Mishkaat, Kitaabus-Saum, Saumut- Tatawu, Section 1 This establishes that fasting on Monday is Sunnah because this is the day the Holy Prophetﷺ” was born.

Three facts emerge from this,

1. It is Sunnah to hold remembrance.

2. To fix a day and date for remembrance is Sunnah.

3. To make ibaadat on the happiness of the Holy Prophet’s ﷺ birth is Sunnat, irrespective of whether it is physical (i.e. fasting, nafl salaah, etc) or financial (giving out charity, distributing sweetmeats, etc.)

Rasoolullah ﷺ expressed the virtues of Jummah (Friday) by saying that Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) was born on that day.

The Ahadith state, “When Abu Lahab died, some of his family members saw him in a dream in a very terrible state. They asked him what he experienced so far, and he replied, “After being separated from you, I did not receive any goodness. Yes, I receive water from this finger because I used it to free my slave, Thuwaiba.”Bukhari, Vol. 2, Kitaabun-Nikaah, Baabu Wa Ummahaatukum. 

On the day Sayyiduna Rasoolullahﷺ was born, his slave, Thuwaiba, came to him and said that a son was born in the home of his brother, Hadrat Abdullah (ra), he pointed with his finger to her out of happiness and said, “Go, you are free.” Abu Lahab was a kaafir .

Abu Lahab expressed joy on the birth of his nephew, not on the Messenger of Allah(swt) We demonstrate happiness on the birth of the Beloved and Prophet of Allah(swt). So, when He is our Master and we are His bondsmen, will Allah(swt) not bless us all?

Hadrat Ibn Abbas (ra) states, “I once presented myself in the service of the Holy Prophetﷺ. Probably news had reached him of some people slandering his genealogy. He stood on the mimbar and asked, “Who am I?” Everybody present said, “You are the Messenger of Allah(swt)! He then said, “I am Muhammadﷺ, the son of Abdullah, son of Abdul-Muttalib! Allah(swt) created the creation and placed me amongst the most excellent of all. He then divided the best (humans) into two groups (Arabs and Non-Arabs) placed me amongst the best (i.e. the Arabs), then made the Arab nation into a few tribes and placed me amongst the best {i.e. the Quraish). Thereafter, He divided the Quraish into a few families and placed me amongst the best (i.e. the Banu Haashim).”Mishkaat, Vol. 2, Baabu Fadhaailis­Sayyidil-Mursaleen, Section 2

The Prophet ﷺ has also said, “I am the Last Prophet ﷺ to come (Khaatamun­Nabiyeen), iam the dua of Hadrat Ibrahim (as) and the glad-tidings of Hadrat Esa(as). I am the scene of my mother who saw it at the time of my birth. It was a Noor she saw emanate from her. The light made the buildings of Syria bright, and she was able to see them.” –Ibid

When the Holy Prophetﷺ came to Madina, he found the Jews there keeping fast on the Day of Ashura (10th of Muharram). He questioned them about this and was told, “It was on this day that Allah(swt) saved and protected Hadrat Musa (as) from Firaun. In thanks of this, we fast.” The Holy Prophetﷺ replied, “We are closer to Musa (as) than you are.” He then kept fast himself and ordered this fast of Ashura to be kept.-Mishkaat, Kitaabus-Saum, Saumut-Tatawu, Section 3

“On the night of the Holy Prophet’sﷺ birth, angels came and stood at the door of Sayyidah Amina’s (ra) home and commenced recital of Salaat and Salaam. Yes, the natural wretch and disgraced Shaitaan ran in sadness.“­Mawaahibul-Ladunya, Madaarijun-Nubuwwah, etc. discussing the blessed birth.

This proves that Meelad is also the practice of angels, and to stand at the time of the birth is their doing. Running away is the action of Shaitaan.

Hadrat Hasan (ra) used to pen verses of Naath and poetry, censoring the Kuffaar through it, and used to come before the Holy Prophetﷺ who would then offer the mimbar to him. He once stood on it and proceeded to recite the Naath Sharif, after which the Prophet ﷺ made the following dua for him, “O Allah(swt)! Help Hasan (ra), through Roohul_Quds.” Mishkaat, Vol. 2, Baabus-Sher.

Allah(swt) states, “O Muslims! The Prophet ﷺ of Greatness came to you (speaking of the Holy Prophet’sﷺ birth).” The ayat continues, ‘Min anfusikum’ -explaining his genealogy (i.e. that he is from amongst you or from the most celebrated group amongst you). From ‘Hareesun alaikum’ until the end of the ayat, the Holy Prophetsﷺ Naath is recited.

Hadrat Ataa ibn Yesaar (ra), states, “I went to Abdullah ibn Arnr ibn A’as (ra)and requested him to recite the praise (Naath) of the Holy Prophetﷺ found in the Torah (Old Testament). He recited it for me.” ­Mishkaat, Baabu Fadhaailis-Sayyidil-Mursaleen, Section I


Hazrat Imam Shafi’i (ra) said: “Any thing which opposes (or changes) the Quraan, Sunnah, Ijma (consensus) or the sayings of the Sahabah is Bid’ah. Any good deed which is not opposed to them is praiseworthy”. (Meelad celebration does not oppose any of them).

Allama Jalaaluddin Suyuti (ra) writes: “The Shari’ah commanded Aqeeqah on the birth (of a child). This is a way to thank Allah and rejoice, but on the time of death no such commandment has been given. In fact, mourning and grieving is prohibited. The same principle of Shari’ah demands that happiness and the joy should be expressed in Rabi-ul-Awwal on the birth of the beloved Rasool ﷺ and not grieve on his Wisaal (Departure from this world)”. (Husnul Maqsad Fee Amalil Moulid Al Haawi Lil Fatawa).

Imam Suyuti (ra) writes about Meelad: “According to me, gatherings, recitations of the Quran, mentioning incidents of the holy life of Rasoolullah ﷺ and mentioning those signs which appear at the time of his birth are amongst the good innovations in which a person is rewarded because in this there is respect, love and expression of happiness for the arrival of Rasoolullah ﷺ”. (Al Haavi Lil Fataawa)

Imam Qastalaani (ra) writes: “In the month of the birth of Rasoolullah ﷺ Muslims always had assemblies. In the nights of that month they gave charities and expressed happiness. They always increased good deeds in those nights. They always made arrangements to read the Meelad of Rasoolullah ﷺ with the auspicious (hope) that Allah Ta ala showers His blessings upon them. One of the experienced Barakah (blessing) of Meelad is that the year passes upon them peacefully. May Allah Ta’ala send His Blessings and Favour upon that person who took Meelaad-un-Nabi as Eid, so this Eid should become reason of hardness upon that person who has disease in his heart”. (Mawahe bul Le Dunya)

Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Delwi (ra) writes: “All Muslims have always celebrated Meelad functions in the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal. They always gave charities in the nights of that month and expressed their happiness. This is a common practice of Muslims that they particularly make mention of those incidents which are related to the birth of Rasoolullah ﷺ”. (Ma Sabata Bis Sunnah)

Mullah Ali Qari (ra) writes: “Firstly, we see that it is permissible to arrange an assembly of Meelad. It is permissible to participate in that assembly for the purpose of listening to the praises and character of Rasoolullah ﷺ. Inviting people and expressing happiness is permissible. Secondly, we do not say that it is Sunnah to celebrate Meelad on any fixed night. Anyone who believes that it is Sunnah to celebrate Meelad on any fixed night (and not in any other night) is a Bid’ati because the Zikr of Rasoolullah ﷺ is required all the time. Yes, in the month in which Rasoolullah ﷺ was born, has more preference”. (Al Mouridur-ravi fil Moulidin Nabi)

Allama Ibn Abedeen Shami (ra) writes: “Every person who is truthful in the love of Rasoolullah ﷺ should express happiness in the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal. He should arrange an assembly for the Meelad of Rasoolullah ﷺ in which the incidents of his birth are explained with correct Ahadith. There is a strong hope from Allah that such a person will be included in the group of pious people with the intercession of Rasoolullah ﷺ”. (Jawahi Rul Bihaar)

All the Ulema and Muslims of all the countries have regarded Meelad as Mustahab (recommended).

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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