Masoom-With Marifat
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
There are various types of sin – Polytheism, Infidelity, Major Sin and Minor Sin [i.e.
Shirk, Kufr, Kabeera and Sageera].
Minor sins are of two types,
1. Some sins which are proof of contemptible nature, e.g. stealing, fraud, etc.
2. Others which are unlike the above.
Thereafter, there are two further forms to these sins,
I. Intentional,
2. And unintentional.
The Prophets also have two conditions,
1. The period before their proclamation of Prophethood (nabuwwat).
2. The period after.
Through the grace of Allah(swt) the Prophets are sinless (masum) and infallible to polytheism (shirk). infidelity (kufr), deviance and vile actions at all times. they have recognition of Allah(swt) from their birth.
The Prophets are born having recognition (ma’rifat) of Allah(swt) and that they are not stained with the impurity of deviance.
They are always innocent (ma’sum) from committing major sins, before and after revealing their Prophethood.
If a Prophet became a sinner, both opposing him and obeying him would become necessary, and this is a concentration of two opposite things.
Regarding Sayyiduna Rasoolullahﷺ, it is the Consensus (ijmaa) of the Ummah that never once did he commit any type of sin.
Hadrat Adam (as) found “Laa ilaaha ilallaahu Muhammadur Rasoolullah” written on the pillars of the Arsh immediately after he was created. – Madaarijun-Nubuwwah & Mawaahibul-Ladunya This proves that he had recognition of Allah(swt) from birth and that he was lettered and literate without the need of a teacher, because as soon as he was created, he read the written word on the pillars of the Throne of Allah(swt).
When Hadrat Esa (as) was born, he instantly said, “I’am the servant of Allah(swt). He has granted me revelation and made me a Nabi.”19/30 .
And, “He (Allah(swt)) has commanded me to perform Salaah and give Zakaat until my life ceases, and I am also good to my mother.” 19/31.This ayat proves that from the time of birth, Hadrat Esa (as) knew that Allah(swt) was the Rubb. He understood that he was given Prophethood and the Injeel. He was even aware of mannerism, culture and etiquette!
In his childhood, Hadrat Ibrahim (as) looked at the stars setting and said to his kaafir nation, “Can this be my Lord?” Later, on seeing the stars set, he said, “I dislike those that decline,” 6/76 .
Subhanallah! Through this, he proved the Oneness (Tauheed) of Allah(swt) and that the setting of the stars, moon and sun is proof that they are creation. All of this took place while he was still a minor. This type of rational deduction has even been approved by Allah(swt) “و تلک حجنتا اتینھا ابراھیم علی قومہ” 6/83
As soon as he was born, Sayyiduna Rasoolul1ah ﷺ went into Sajda and interceded for his Ummah. – Madaarijun-Nubuwwah & Mawaahibul-Ladunya This shows us that our Beloved Nabi ﷺ was born knowing the glory of Allah(swt) his own excellence and had recognition of his Ummah.
“I was already a Prophet while Adam was still in the process of being created.” (Hadith Sharif)
Allah(swt) is the Lord and Creator of the Prophets and they are His beloved servants. He can mention their mistakes in whatever way He wishes and they can demonstrate their humility to Him in whatever way they wish. We have no right to speak about their mistakes or disrespect and slander them unless we want our record books blackened with sin.
Allah(swt) has ordered us to respect and revere His Prophets.
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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