Masoom-Rational Proof

Masoom, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)




1. Infidelity is committed because of either not being informed about beliefs, due to the mischief and abstinence of the nafs (lower-being) or the trappings of Shaitaan.

Prophets have the recognition of Allah(swt) from birth, their nufoos are pure and they are saved and protected from any interference of Shaitaan.

2. Transgression is made due to the Nafs-e-Ammarah (lower-self which commands an individual to commit bad) and Shaitaanic effect & interference.

3. To oppose a sinner is necessary and obedience to a Nabi is Fardh.

If a Prophet became a sinner, both opposing him and obeying him would become necessary, and this is a concentration of two opposite things.

4. The information of a sinner shouldn’t be accepted without probing and enquiry. (49/6)

To accept Rasoolullah’s every word is Fardh. (33/36) Thus, if a Prophet were to become a sinner, accepting his word with and without investigation would both become necessary. How is it possible to do both?

5. Shaitaan is happy with a sinner because he has entered his party and Allah(swt) is content with the virtuous person because he has entered His.

6. A virtuous person is more excellent than a sinner  (28/28)

Prophet had to sin at any time and, at that precise moment, if an Ummati of his was doing a good deed, it would mean that the follower was momentarily more eminent than the Prophet. This is absolutely ridiculous because, for even a moment, an Ummati cannot be equal to a Nabi.

7.Respecting a person with deviant beliefs is Haraam. A Hadith states, “He who respected a person with incorrect beliefs has helped in destroying Islam.” And, to respect a Prophet is obligatory. Allah(swt) states, (9/48 )Respecting a Prophet, should he lose his deen, will become both obligatory and forbidden.

8. Through the mediation (waseela) of the Prophet , sinners are forgiven. The Holy Quran states, “و لو انھم اذ ظلموا انفسھم جاءوک” In this ayat, all wrongdoers are told to present themselves in the Holy Prophet’s. court and repent through his mediation. It is necessary for the Prophetﷺ, who is the mediation (waseela) of forgiveness for all wrongdoers, to be free from sin himself. If he too was a sinner, how do we attain forgiveness?

9. Prophethood is a precious and priceless blessing according to Allah(swt) .Thus, it is necessary for the holders of this blessing (i.e. the hearts of the Prophets) to be clean and pure from all types of impurities, infidelity and sin. This is why Allah(swt) states, “Allah(swt) knows well those who are worthy of being His Messengers.”–  6/124

(2/129)– Mulla Jeewan writes, “The Prophet’s are sinless from infidelity (kufr) before and

after receiving revelation.” –Tafseeraate-Ahmadia .

( 42/52)Imam Ismail Haqqi (ra) states — Once, while the Holy Prophet was asked if he ever worshipped any idol, he answered, “No.” When asked if he ever drank alcohol, he replied, “No, i always knew that this belief (of worshipping idols) is kufr.” Tafseer Roohul-Bayaan

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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