
Kuffar, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Reminder-kuffar 5

Kuffar worshipped a star named sirius 53/49

Answer to kuffar—allah  alone is the Lord of Sirius (a star that was worshipped in the days of ignorance) 53/49

Kuffar/munafiqs-1. have greater fear for muslims 2. They will fight taking covering behind walls/fortified towns 3.they fight hard amongst themselves 4.their hearts are disunited 59/14

Should they(kuffar) get the better of you, then (you will see that) they will be your open enemies. 60/2

Kuffar have evil design and will have the earnest desire that you disbelieve (somehow).60/2

Kuffar say  ‘Shall a human being (who is our like and from our kind) guide us?’64/6

The disbelievers think that they will never be raised (again).64/6

Kuffar say ‘When will this promise (of the Day of Resurrection) be fulfilled if you are truthful?’67/25

Answer to kuffar –By the Grace of your Lord, you are not (at all) insane.68/2

Kuffar  wish that you should become (needlessly) flexible (in the matter of the Din [Religion]). Then they too would show flexibility. And do not agree with any vile, 68/10

Kuffar say ‘These are the fictitious stories of the bygone people.’68/16

kuffar say: ‘What does Allah intend by this example (of number)?’ 74/30

Kuffar —‘They have gone astray,’ (i.e., they have lost the world whilst the Hereafter is nothing but fiction.)83/29

mischief-mongering is even worse than bloodshed. (These disbelievers) will continue fighting against you endlessly till they turn you back from your Din (Religion) 2/217

those who die on disbelief/kufr  (all) deeds of such people will become void in this world and in the Hereafter. And it is they who are the inmates of Hell. 2/217

These (idolaters and disbelievers) call you to Hell whilst Allah invites, by His decree, to Paradise and forgiveness 2/221

3/28. The Muslims should not make friends with disbelievers instead of Muslims.

3/28. The Muslims should not make friends with disbelievers instead of Muslims.(just be  casual with them don’t keep them close to you)

Disbelievers are your open enemies 4/101

Grace of allah/Allah like people  who are 1.allah loves them and they will love him 2.they are humble and kind towards believers 3. strict towards disbelievers 4. They will work hard in the way of allah 5.they fear allah alone . 5/54

Disbelievers- 1.associate jinn as partners with Allah 2.they falsely attribute sons and daughters to Allah. 6/100

The actions disbelievers keep doing are made alluring and attractive (in their sight) 6/122

And the inmates of Hell will call out to the inhabitants of Paradise: ‘Bless us with some water (of Paradise), or of (the provision) that Allah has granted you.’ They will say: ‘Allah has indeed forbidden both (these bounties) to the disbelievers 7/50

Common practice of kuffar about messengers

23/36…..We sent amongst them (also) a Messenger from amongst themselves: ‘Worship Allah. There is no God for you other than He. So do you not fear?’

23/37…….And thus proclaimed the chiefs (and the lords) of his people (too) who disbelieved

23/37 …..‘He is only a human being like you. He eats what you eat and drinks what you drink. And if you obey a human being like yourselves, then you shall be the sure losers.

23/37……….Does he promise you that, when you die and become dust and (decomposed) bones, you will be brought forth (alive again)?

23/37….There is nothing (like life after death). Our life is only this world. We live and die (here alone) and (that is all). We shall not be raised up (again). He is merely a man who has put a false blame on Allah, and we are not going to believe in him at all.’

23/41 (The Prophet) submitted: ‘O my Lord, help me in the circumstances that they have rejected me.’

23/42 (Allah) said: ‘They will be full of regret in a little while.’ So, according to the true promise, the dreadful Blast seized them, and We made them a waste of withered grass. Far distant from, and deprived (of, Our mercy) are the unjust and wrongdoing people.

23/44….Whenever there came to a community their Messenger, they rejected him. Then We also destroyed them one after another (by successive torments) and We reduced them to mere tales. So woe to the people who do not believe

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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