
Kissing, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The Permissibility of Kissing the Thumbs

When hearing the Muazzin proclaim, “Ash’hadu anna Muhammadar­Rasoolullah,” it is preferred (Mustahab) to kiss the two thumbs or the shahaadat finger and place them on the eyes.

It is desirable after (hearing) the first Shahaadah of Azaan, to say: “Sallal laahu alaika Ya Rasoolallah” and after hearing the second Shahaadah, to say “Qur’ratu Aini bika Ya Rasoolallah”. You should then kiss the nails of your thumb and place them on the eyes and say: “Allahuma Mati’ni bis Sam’i Wal Basari” then the Holy Prophet ﷺ will take such persons behind him into Jannah. (Shaami Shareef)

Salaate-Mas’oodi states, ”The Noble Messenger is reported to have said, “On the Day of Qiyaamat, I shall search for the person who used to place his thumbs on his eyes when hearing my name during the Azaan. I shall lead him into Jannat – Vol. 2, Chapter 20 .

Under the ayat, “و اذا نادیتم الی الصلوۃ”  5/58 Allama Ismail Haqqi (ra) writes, “Kissing the nails of the thumbs and the shahaadat finger when saying “Muhammadur-Rasoolullahﷺ has been classified as weak (zaeef) because it is not proven from a marfoo Hadith. However, Muhadditheen have agreed that to act upon a zaeef Hadith to incline people towards [good] deeds and instill fear within them is permitted.” – Tafseer Roohul-Bayaan

Under the ayat 7/22 Tafseer Khaazin and Roohul-Bayaan state that the clothes of Hadrat Adam (as) in Jannat was made of nails.

We kiss the Hajar-e-Aswad of the Kaaba because it is heavenly.

Shaami states, “On the testimony (of Prophethood) in Azaan, it is Mustahab to say “Sallallaahu Alaika Ya Rasoolallahﷺ on the first and “Quratu Aini bika Ya RasoolAllah(swt) on the second. Then, place the nails of your thumbs on your eyes and say, “Allahumma Matini bis-Sami wal-Basr.” The Holy Prophetﷺ will lead the person who does this into Jannat. The same has been documented by Kanzul­lbaad, Qohistaani and in Fataawa Soofia.

Kitaabul-Firdaus states that the Prophetﷺ has said, I shall lead into Jannat the person who kisses his thumbnails when hearing “Ash’hadu anna Muhammadar-Rasoolullah. I will also place him amongst the ranks of the inmates of Jannah” The complete discussion on this has been given in the marginal notes on Bahrur-Raaiq, ‘Ramli’. 23.3a – Vol. 1, Baabul­Azaan

Allama Sakhaawi (ra) states, “Dailmi reports that Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique (ra) once said “When I heard the Muazzin say “Ash’hadu anna Muharnrnadar-Rasoolullahﷺ,” I said the same, kissed the inner-side of my Kalima finger and placed it on my eyes. When the Holy Prophetﷺ noticed this, he said. “My intercession becomes obligatory upon he who does the same as my beloved.” This Hadith hasn’t reached the classification of Sahih.” – Maqaasid-e-Hasanaa .

Quoting the book Moojibaatu-Rahmat, Imam Sakhaawi (ra) further writes. “It is reported from Hadrat Khidr (as) , “If a person says “Marhaban bi-Habibi Quratu Aini Muhammad ibn Abdullah” when hearing the Muazzin say “Ash’hadu anna Muhammadur-Rasoolullah, then kisses his thumbs and places them on his eyes, never will they (the eyes) be sore.” – Maqaasid-e-Hasanaa .

It’s written in the Gospel of Barnabas that when Hadrat Adam (as) wished to see the Noor of the Beloved Mustapha ﷺ (Roohul-Quds). The Noor was made bright on the nails of his thumbs. Hadrat Adam (as) then kissed and placed them on his eyes out of love and appreciation. The Holy Prophetﷺ was famously known as Roohul-Quds in the time of Hadrat Esa (as) (Roohul-Quds to mean “the Noor of Rasoolullahﷺ)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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