
khilafat, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



People of neymat

Shahadat e manvi=islah e nafs/ishq e elahi

Shahadat e hissi= Islamic soldiers/shahid

Islah e nafs+ fighting Islamic enemies(not to please nafs)

Means mushahida e haqq/witnessing reality (allah and all the promises of allah)

Fearing allah /controlling nafs/giving life

Hazir/present  +mushahida /witnessing (eye/basr-heart/basirat)


Painless death (no fear/no feeling because of deedar e elahi-mushahida+haazir)

Mushahida e haqq/witnessing truth.

Blessed Eternal life

Death =from fana to baqa/from materialistic to realistic /from timely to non timely /from shahadat/barzack

Died for the sake of allah’s pleasure(don’t doubt )

Don’t say dead,they are Alive(shahadat gives life)=nearness of allah

You cannot understand their life(rizq/sustenance is given).

Life after death cannot be perceived without tasting death.

Interval/Barzack is like jannat attached with actual jannat given after hisaab o kitab/reserruction day

Smiling because of fazal e elahi

They happy to see others following sirate mustaqim(jihad /struggle-qital/war)

They know what is happening in alam e shahadat

Rewarded with Deedar e elahi/qurb e elahi

Sirate mustaqim =following nabien/siddiqeen/shuhada/saliheen

Following quran+practical quran(sunnah/ahadith)

Itaat e elahi/rasool gives rafaqat/companionship with people of reward (nabien/siddiqeen/shuhada/saliheen)

Nabien/nabuwwat =last prophet muhammedur rasoolallahﷺ

Non nabien/wilayat=siddiqeen(sidq o safa-purity/truthfull) /shuhada(against nafs/Islamic enemies)/ saliheen(pious/taqwa)

Wilayat is faizan e nabuwwat/blessings from prophethood

Faizan e nabuwwat=siddiqeen/shuhada/saliheen (shahid is alive because nabi is alive)



Talib e deedar e elahi .

Leaves family under allah’s care.

Ruh is presented directly in the courtyard of allah

Witnessing reality/realm of unseen world.

Ilm ul yaqeen with eye witnessing

Gives life to islam

Imam hussain (as)=highest of shahadat

Ask for shahadat when leaving home

Doesnot fear death

Shawur after ilm/knowledge=haqiqat/reality

Experience knowledge/ilm gives =shuwr AND Negation of facts/reality=no ilm/shawur

Iman is to accept without seeing

Shahid means people free from duniya (no nafs)

Duniya =anything which takes you away from allah.

Shahid =loves to get killed in the battle again and again.(even after in paradise)

People of paradise like to settle in paradise except shahid, he wants to go back to earth and give life for allah’s pleasure.

Alive  =his ruh is alive everlasting because of reflection of light of allah on him.

Shahid=Body doesnot get decompose because ruh is enlightened with allah’s light and is in touch with the body.(ruh closer to allah)

Normal people =Ruh is in touch with the body of barzack (body with features of alam e shahadat+alam e hashr)(Ruh is in illiyin/any where )

Dead heart will not understand the life of shahid

Lively heart means marifat/knowing heart.

Live heart=heart which is alive because of enlightment (allah nourishing heart with his noor/light)

Marifat=haal/state of heart which is enlighted with allah’s light

Prophet ﷺ is shahid=witness over entire ummah’s and prophets

Soul of rasoolallahﷺ is with his body in medina.

Shahid=presence +witnessing  (in front of allah)

Prophetﷺ is shahid =mushahid+hazir(meraj)

Shahid=haazir/present +naazir/mushahida/witnessing.

Shahid starts seeing unseen world /beauty

Beauty =tajalliate siffat/unveiling of attributes of allah.

Present/haazir= angels take the soul/painless death and present it before allah(veils are removed).

Shahid’s ruh is taken to illiyin(highest place of comfort)

Body is fresh because of ruh(spiritual features of soul keeps body fresh)

Human life has meaning/reality AND animal life is without meaning/reality.

Spiritual/ruh’s eye=heart  AND  physical eye= bodily eye.

Allah is shahid through qudrat/power AND nabi is shahid through nabuwwat/prophet hood

Prophets gave shahadat without seeing allah AND our prophet ﷺ gave shahadat with eye witness

Shahdat is with or without war(witnessing +presence/fana in ishq e elahi)

Enlightened ruh keeps body fresh.

Witnessing allah’s beauty gives life to the soul.



Life and wealth belongs to allah

Spending wealth=jannah

Spending life=allah’s deedar/sight

Fasting/saum=allah himself

Always leave home with intention of shahadat/martyrdom .

First spend wealth because only few get opportunity  to sacrifice life for allah’s sake.



Jihad=struggle/removing fitna


Deen=way of living

Muslim=accepting complete deen not juzz/portion of deen.

Mujahid/fighting against nafs (islah e nafs –everyone has to do this) AND Qital=shahid (sacrificing life for allah’s pleasure-very very selective)

Jihad =struggle AND qittal=war

Sacrificing life/wealth/time/desires etc  for deen/allah’s pleasure

Highest of iman is tested with jihad/struggle (Salah/saum/zakat even with smallest iman muslim will do this on/off ).

Haq Jihad /struggle for seeking allah’s pleasure (uplifting deen/society –way of living social/economical/cultural/military/educational etc)

Baatil/falsehood jihad=for nafs/desires/kufr/oppression/zulm etc

Killing for nafs=hell AND killing for allah’s raza(within your limits/no nafs)=heaven

With respect to deen =killing is better(protecting/uplifting deen) AND with respect to personal issue =forgiving is better.

With respect to deen =be strict with muslims and kuffar AND With respect to personal issue =be strict with kuffar /lenient with muslims (see the truth/reality/humanity)

If you don’t spend money on deen =your finished.

Spend money on people of jihad/struggle (socio-economical-political-educational etc)

Practicing deen(way of living) in duniya not practicing duniya(anything which takes you away from allah) in deen.

Fitna means against deen /keeping ummah away from deen(socio/economic/political /educational misguidance/corruption etc etc.

Fitna is more dangerous than jihad.

 Fight till fitna is eradicated/unless nizam e Mustaphaﷺ is established.

Fighting /qittal=for uplifting deen/for peace/bring sharia in the society.

Jihad/struggle =qittal/killing +fitna/against deen.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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