
Ijtihad, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Personal reasoning (ijtihad)

Fahm e deen /understanding deen(ilm/hikmat/baseerat/firasat/ilm ul ahkam/asrar etc)


…….the wise may ponder over its Verses and seek direction and guidance. (38/29)


“I have left amongst you two things. You will not go astray so long as you hold fast to them. These are the Book of Allah, and the Sunnah of His Messenger.” (Malik)

3.Quran /sunnah and its derivatives

“Knowledge consists of three things: the decisive verses (Qur’an), authentic Hâdîth and prescriptions rightly deduced from the two.  What is beside them is superfluous.”  (Ibn Majah 1/54 and Abu Dawud 2879)


“Without doubt, my Ummah will never be gathered in misguidance. Whenever you see disagreement, then hold fast to the greater majority.”[Ibne Majah]


Hazrat Ibn Umar (Ra) said: I traveled with the Holy Prophet (), Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Uthman (Allah be pleased with them all); they would pray Zuhr and Asr as two Rak’ah and two Rak’ah (because of journey), not praying before them nor after them. [Sunan Tirmizi, Taqseer fi Safar, No 544; Sahih Ibn Khuzaima, 2/72 No 947; Musnad Bazzar, 12/141 No 5724; Sahih Bukhari, Kitab al Taqseer No 1102]

But it is reported from Sayyedah Ayesha Siddiqah (Ra) that she didn’t use to pray Qasar during journey. Zuhri said he asked ‘Urwa why ‘A’isha prayed in the complete form during journey, and he replied that she interpreted the matter herself. [Sahih Bukhari, Kitab al Taqseer No 1090; Sahih Muslim, Kitab al Musafireen wal qasariha No 685; Sunan Nasai, Kitab ul Salah No 455]

Sayyedah Ayesha Siddiqah (Ra) said: Offer prayer in the complete form (during journey). People said: Holy Prophet () used to offer Two Rak’ah during journey. She replied: He used to be in the state of war and danger that those who are unbelievers may afflict. Are you also in the same state of war/danger? [Ibn Jareer Tabari, Tafseer Jaame al Bayan, 9/129 No 10317; Suyuti, Tafseer Durr al Mansoor, 2/656]

where as Yahya b. Umayya said: I told Hazrat Umar b. al-Khattab (Ra) that Allah had said: “You may shorten the prayer only if you fear that those who are unbelievers may afflict you” (Qur’an, iv. 101), whereas the people are now safe. He replied: I wondered about it in the same way as you wonder about it, so I asked the Messenger of Allah  about it and he said: It is an act of charity which Allah has done to you, so accept His charity. [Sahih Muslim, Kitab al Musafireen wal qasariha, No 686;  Sunan Abu Dawud, Kitab Salatul Safar, No 1199]
And Ibn ‘Abbas (Ra): Allah has prescribed the prayer by the tongue of your Apostle  as two rak’ahs for the traveler, four for the resident, and one in danger. [Sahih Muslim, Kitab al Musafireen wal qasariha No 687; Sunan Abu Dawud, Kitab Salatul Safar No 1247;  Sunan Nasai , Kitab ul Salah No 456]

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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