Dars e Ahadith-Darood Alive

Dars E Ahadith, Shariath
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Ibn Wahb (RTA) related that the Prophet  said: Whosoever asks for peace on me ten times, it is as if he has freed a slave- Qâdî ‘Iyâd, ash-Shifâ, 2:653.

The mobile (squads) of angels in the earth conveys to me the blessings invoked upon me by my Ummah-Nasa’î, Sunan, b. of sahw (unintentional mistake) 3: 43;

Invoke blessings upon me, since blessings invoked by you are conveyed to me wherever you may be– Abû Dâwûd, Sunan, b. of manâsik (rituals of hajj) (2: 218 # 2042); ‘Alî bin Abû Bakr Haythamî, Majma‘-uz-zawâ’id, 2: 247.

He who invokes blessings upon me by my grave, I will hear him and he who invokes upon me at a distance it will be conveyed to me.-Ahmad bin Husayn Bayhaqî, Shu‘ab-ul-îmân, (2: 218 # 1583);‘Alâ’-ud-Dîn ‘Alî, Kanz-ul-‘ummâl, (1: 498 # 1583).

The miserly is he, before whom I am mentioned and he does not invoke blessings on me-Tirmidhî, al-Jâmi‘-us-sahîh, b. of da‘wât (supplications) ch.101,

(5: 551 # 3546).

Verily the most miserly amongst people is he,before whom I am mentioned and he does not invoke blessings on me-‘Alâ’-ud-Dîn ‘Alî, Kanz-ul-‘ummâl, (1: 489 # 2146).

Let his nose be smeared with dust, in whose presence I am mentioned, and he does not invoke blessings upon me-Tirmidhî, al-Jâmi‘-us-sahîh, b. of da‘wât (supplications) ch.101, (5: 550 # 3545).

The Prophet  called him astray who does not invoke blessings upon him. It is stated as follows: He who forgets (abandons) to invoke blessings on me, misses the road (leading) to the Paradise- Ibn Mâjah, Sunan, b. of iqâmat-us-salât was-sunnah fîhâ

(establishing prayer and its sunnahs) ch. 25 (1: 294 # 908); Ahmad bin Husayn Bayhaqî, Sunan-ul-kubrâ, 9:286.

Abû Hurayrah (RTA) also reported that the Prophet  said: If people sit in an assembly in which they do not remember Allah nor invoke a blessing on their Prophet , it will be a cause of grief for them (on the Day of Judgement)– Narrated by Tirmidhî in his al-Jâmi‘-us-sahîh, b. of du‘â’ (supplication) ch.8 (5: 461 # 3380), and he graded it hasan (fair) and sahîh (sound).

Ubayy bin Ka‘b narrated: I said, “O Allah’s Messenger, I invoke blessings upon you very frequently. How much of my supplication should I devote to you?” He said, “As much as you like.” I said, “May it be a quarter?” He said, “As much as you like, but if you make an increase in that it would be better for you.” I said, “May it be a half?” He said, “As much as you like, but in case you make an increase in it that would be better for you.” I said, “May these be two thirds?” He said, “As much as you like but if you make an increase in it, it would be better.” I said, “May I devote the whole of my supplication to you (that I make in my prayer)?” Thereupon he said, “In that case you would be free from care and your sins would be forgiven.-Tirmidhî has graded it hasan (fair) and sahîh (sound) in his al- Jâmi‘-us-sahîh, b. of sifat-ul-qiyâmah (description of Doomsday) ch.23, (4: 637 # 2457).

A person came to the Prophet  and asked: When will the Hour be established, O Allah’s Messenger? The Prophet  asked: What have you prepared for it? The man said: I have not prepared for it much of prayers, fast or alms, but I love Allah and His Messenger. The Prophet  said: You will be with those whom you love-Bukharihas narrated it in his as-Sahih, b. of adab (good manners) ch.97 (8: 123-4 # 192)

Shadd  bin Aws (RTA) reported that Allah’s Messenger  said: The most excellent day is the day of Jumu‘ah (Friday).adam was created on that (day) and on it the Trumpet will be blown and on it will (the people) loose their senses. So invoke blessings on me abundantly on that (day) for your blessings are presented to me. Upon this, a man said: Allah’s Messenger, how are our blessings presented to you while you will decay, i.e. you will be rotten and antiquated?The Holy Prophet  said: Certainly Allah has made it unlawful (haram) for the earth to eat the bodies of the Prophets- Ibn Majah, Sunan, b. of iqmat-us-salah was-sunnah fih(establishing prayer and its sunnahs), ch. 79 (1: 345 # 1085); ibid, b. of jan’iz (funerals), ch. 65 (1: 524 # 1636); AbDawood, Sunan, b. of salah (prayer), 1: 275 (# 1047).

At another place, it is reported that the Prophet  said: Invoke blessings on me abundantly on the day of Jum‘ah (Friday). Verily it is attended and the angels attend it, and none invokes blessings on me but his supplication is presented to me till he finishes it.

The narrator, AbDard’ (RTA), asked: (Is it also compulsory for us) even after your demise? The Holy Prophet  replied: And even after my demise because Allah has forbidden the earth to eat up the bodies of the Prophets. Therefore, a Prophet of Allah is alive (and) is granted provisions (from Heaven). Ibn Majah, Sunan, b. of jan’iz (funerals) ch. 65 (1: 524 # 1637).

Hasan Basri (RTA) narrates that he heard the Prophet  saying:Spread plush for me in my grave because earth has not been empowered upon the bodies of the Prophets- Ibn Sa‘d, at-Tabaq -ul-kubr(2:299); ‘Al’-ud-D ‘Al Kanzul-‘ummal, 15:577 (#42245).

At another occasion Hasan (RTA) reported: Allah’s Messenger  said, earth has not been allowed to eat the flesh of one with whom the Holy Spirit conversed. Jal ud-Din Suyti, ad-Durr-ul-manthur, 1: 87.

The Prophet  Receives the Greetings Although angels are commissioned by Almighty Allah to convey the blessings on the Noble Prophet , salam is directly received by the Prophet . He has categorically and unambiguously said:

Invoke blessings on me, since blessings invoked by you are conveyed to me wherever you may be- AbDawood, Sunan, b. of manasik (rituals of hajj) (2: 218 # 2042); ‘Albin AbBakr Haytham Majma‘-uz-zaw’id, 2: 247.

We have mentioned two sayings of the Prophet  substantiating the same theme in the preceding pages. Ahmad Shah -ud-D Khafsays in this context as follows: It was the routine of predecessors to invoke blessings upon the Prophet . ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar also complied with this routine, and invoked blessings and salutations upon the Prophet  along with AbBakr and ‘Umar (RTA). Everyone’s blessings are conveyed to him whether he is remote from him. But it is rather better to invoke blessings in person and receive the benign of response from the Prophet- Ahmad Shah-ud-Din Khafi Nasim-ur-riyaz, 3: 516.

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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